I was never involved in FxIV but I honestly assumed GDKP would work fine. I don't really think GDKP is a bad idea, but I do think there's just a lot of players who have 0 interest in it and prefer regular DKP. My perception is that was the core reason for the split, which means in theory it could have been amicable, but it looks like some mongoloids don't want it to be that way.
I do think anyone who talks of "mooching" is kind of silly. As a long time TLPer and guild leader I can say this right away:
1. The vast majority of people who post on FoH fall into the "moocher" category, like the casual drive by posters on this forum made up some of the lowest quality raiders I've ever had in any guild.
2. The vast majority of people who complain about mooching, are in fact moochers themselves. For 1.5 years on Agnarr and over 2 years on Selo, barring a few exceptions, the people who complained about others were 95% of the time, themselves people who were lazy and underperformed on raids. It's almost like the genuinely good players don't waste their time crying about what other people do, and just focus on getting shit done.
3. Any early TLP zerg guild is going to have problems. Moochers isn't one of them. Moochers are actually key to making zerg guilds work. EQ isn't mythic WoW raiding, please stop pretending otherwise.