EQ TLP - Mischief (Free Trade / Random Loot)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We were told we weren't splitting below 60 because the officers/leaders didn't think we could carry the dead weight that comes to raids. So we do 60-72 man Trak splits. We still have level 60 monks and others coming to raids with cloth/empty slots. We still have DPS parsing below druids and clerics on fights. People still don't know hoe to get to VS's room and guildies still KS'ing other guildies camps.

There are plenty of complaints being said, not sure why you are only hearing the DZ ones.

But every single one of the 114 are bis or one slot off already!
  • 1Worf
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Korzax Stonehammer

Blackwing Lair Raider
Zaide seems to be the type to make detailed plans. Maybe he planned to get all the hanger ons and dregs in a zerg guild, then split off with all the good people later on. Maybe
  • 1Galaxy Brain
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Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Moocher is being used a bit too broadly, but I think I can safely say if you are showing up to a raid with empty/cloth slots, do literally zero damage, cast zero spells and you still get a split, you're a mooch.
  • 1Truth!
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Trakanon Raider
We still have level 60 monks and others coming to raids with cloth/empty slots.

Not in your guild rate my gear of out of 10 I circled it in red so you won't miss it

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Trakanon Raider
This is fucking juicy. It makes me wish I was playing eq again. Sounds like a little healthy competition too

If you play as a SK and join Faceless I'll twitch you for our first Vulak kill and name my pet Cukernaut for the first week.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I was never involved in FxIV but I honestly assumed GDKP would work fine. I don't really think GDKP is a bad idea, but I do think there's just a lot of players who have 0 interest in it and prefer regular DKP. My perception is that was the core reason for the split, which means in theory it could have been amicable, but it looks like some mongoloids don't want it to be that way.

I do think anyone who talks of "mooching" is kind of silly. As a long time TLPer and guild leader I can say this right away:

1. The vast majority of people who post on FoH fall into the "moocher" category, like the casual drive by posters on this forum made up some of the lowest quality raiders I've ever had in any guild.
2. The vast majority of people who complain about mooching, are in fact moochers themselves. For 1.5 years on Agnarr and over 2 years on Selo, barring a few exceptions, the people who complained about others were 95% of the time, themselves people who were lazy and underperformed on raids. It's almost like the genuinely good players don't waste their time crying about what other people do, and just focus on getting shit done.
3. Any early TLP zerg guild is going to have problems. Moochers isn't one of them. Moochers are actually key to making zerg guilds work. EQ isn't mythic WoW raiding, please stop pretending otherwise.

Complaing and forum warrioring IS my contribution. Other players limit themselves to boring and trivial contributions like "planning" and "leading" while I provide invaluable additions like mistelling a raid that all the monks are shit.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
The only critiques I've heard is people feel we should be splitting more DZs. Every single one of the 114 people that show up to batphones are either completely BIS for kunark or 1 or 2 items away from it. We have so many PD robes, grey suedes are slowly making their way on people in less than 2 weeks. As the guild has matured and completed its leveling and VP key goals almost everyone has their epics besides the super casual players that are focused on leveling.

It hasn't even been 2 weeks of kunark. The only real problem is finding a reason to log in besides stacking mountains of krono for the next 6 weeks.

We have 100+ people in VP now. I count less than 4 PD robes actually being worn.

EDIT: 15 or so clerics, only 8 have epics. Guess we have a lot of casuals going into VP.
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Trakanon Raider
from an outside perspective, the major flaw in this system seems to be the fact that there might just be a group of people who buy everything because they can make half a krono on it. So, you have these people end up just gaining "DKP" infinitely because they are selling stuff for the same currency they are buying it from guild. This is not a great system when you allow that stuff to happen.

There has to be a way to stop that from happening. Whether you put a limit on how many of an item someone can buy or something else. It's not healthy for anyone but the people flipping items. It's not a good system when someone can literally profit DKP from selling their raid items to people outside the guild.

I'm all for someone wanting to make a profit. But, it seems like just abuse or taking advantage of lax rules. Not a great "core" thing for a guild. Something nice for certain raids maybe. But, the greed of allowing people to bid even when they aren't there... makes it even more prone to abuse. Sure, it's great to get an extra 500 plat per split because you let someone from the outside bid... but it just opens up so much terribleness.

Just seems more like a gimmick than a real guild. Which is probably great... for now...


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
I think the solution is somewhere between zaide's faceless and FXIV. Use DKP for OW targets and GDKP for DZs. Don't try to police what people do with stuff they bought with DKP. Use discord bidding for the GDKP raids and don't require attendance to bid. Live bids and attendance required for DKP loot. Only gain DKP on DKP raids.

Sure, in an open loot rules set like mischief people are going to resell things they bought with DKP and you won't see a "split" of that money, but you also won't have someone more or less monopolizing dragon scales dropped in DKP raids either, so if they buy it to resell, they'll only be able to buy 2-3 tops most likely with DKP. Sorry Bobby for bringing up the dragon scales again but it's kind of a glaring example.


Trakanon Raider
Thinkk, who has massive money and i always see bidding wears absolute trash group gear. Spends hundreds of thousands of plat a week and wears worse gear than me who just got 60 1 day ago.


Bronze Squire
As for the reasons I left; I won’t post them now because my intent is to generate as little drama for XIV as possible. I wouldn’t be surprised for things to get pretty hostile soon though and then you’ll get to enjoy the details.

Lots of fun yet to come!
If you have dirt, just spill it. It almost seems like a blackmail play. "Play nice, or I'll tell all your secrets."

A lot of people joined FIXV because of you. If there is some nefarious thing going on as to why you could no longer be part of that guild, at least have the courtesy of letting those people who joined because of you know what they are dealing with. Most didn't even know you had left until they read about it in other places.
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Bronze Squire
Well rule #1 for VS if you're going to kill it in the pit is to not jump in until you are ready to kill it. Rule #2 for VS is why are you killing it in the pit? Whoever is batphoning should send the batphone then immediately start pulling it to the zone in. It takes about 2 minutes to pull VS to the zone in and your raid should be there by then. If they are being super slow you can always just strafe kite at the bridge while you build aggro and wait for a tank and a few clerics.

Either way, how does a raid wipe to VS even if someone else pulls it early anyway? It's not an AE boss. There's typically only 3 scenarios that can happen if you are prepping for VS in the pit and someone trains it on you.
A: Have an SK tag it and just kite it around the pit until you are ready to engage.
B: You did scenario A but then training guild notices this so tries to put it in to summon range, in which case you just have your raid leave through the door and let it kill them.
C: Your raid leaders panic and your raid jumps on it and by some miracle you manage to wipe to it.

I can't really think of a single raid mob Cassic-GoD that if trained on you would result in a wipe as long as you had good raid leaders and a raid that listens.
Eh, let's not pretend like its not something nearly impossible to do. Small numbers, low/no mana, limited on key classes are all reasons why it can be easy to wipe, especially if not ready. People racing tend to make more mistakes trying to get the mob down first. It happens all the way from the group game to the raiding game.


Blackwing Lair Raider
from an outside perspective, the major flaw in this system seems to be the fact that there might just be a group of people who buy everything because they can make half a krono on it. So, you have these people end up just gaining "DKP" infinitely because they are selling stuff for the same currency they are buying it from guild. This is not a great system when you allow that stuff to happen.

There has to be a way to stop that from happening. Whether you put a limit on how many of an item someone can buy or something else. It's not healthy for anyone but the people flipping items. It's not a good system when someone can literally profit DKP from selling their raid items to people outside the guild.

I'm all for someone wanting to make a profit. But, it seems like just abuse or taking advantage of lax rules. Not a great "core" thing for a guild. Something nice for certain raids maybe. But, the greed of allowing people to bid even when they aren't there... makes it even more prone to abuse. Sure, it's great to get an extra 500 plat per split because you let someone from the outside bid... but it just opens up so much terribleness.

Just seems more like a gimmick than a real guild. Which is probably great... for now...

I think a lot of the armchair devs are missing how significant the splits are. ^ 1 day.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If you have dirt, just spill it. It almost seems like a blackmail play. "Play nice, or I'll tell all your secrets."

A lot of people joined FIXV because of you. If there is some nefarious thing going on as to why you could no longer be part of that guild, at least have the courtesy of letting those people who joined because of you know what they are dealing with. Most didn't even know you had left until they read about it in other places.

It was in the FXIV discord announcements with an @ for basically everyone.


Bronze Squire
Ok? You were notified. Did your contract state real time updates or something?
It did. Per section 10.4, paragraphs a and g.

I get that you want to defend Zaide. Great. Dude seems like a very personable person in game and on streams. Regardless, he ditched a lot of people that he was responsible for recruiting without saying anything and is holding "dirt".


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It did. Per section 10.4, paragraphs a and g.

I get that you want to defend Zaide. Great. Dude seems like a very personable person in game and on streams. Regardless, he ditched a lot of people that he was responsible for recruiting without saying anything and is holding "dirt".

Defending? Not really. I am on the side of common sense. He left to make some other guild to do things a different way. It was announced in the previous guild. We're supposedly all adults. From that point, anyone should be able to make an informed decision about their plans. I just didn't realize some require up to the minute notification of decisions and then hand holding on what they need to do after. Reminds of the brainless lemming followers of streamers who can't seem to think on their own.

Granted from what I've seen in guilds on these TLPs over the years, the above shouldn't surprise me.