Does anyone have max resolution on Original + Kunark + Velious + Luclin + PoP wallpapers? Can't seem to find a good link.
EverQuest – Keith Parkinson
Can right-click save images from store - are 1920x1080 i think.
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Does anyone have max resolution on Original + Kunark + Velious + Luclin + PoP wallpapers? Can't seem to find a good link.
Same with the color stun 'fix'. Boxers can easily add a few more enc outside of the group, so it only fucks people trying to AE within the truebox rules.Truebox is complete trash to be frank, it's one reason why I largely told myself I was done doing "serious" TLP after Agnarr, and I broke that vow for Selo basically because it was a very unique opportunity, outside of that I've basically only touched TLPs very casually.
The core issue with Truebox is it is a system built to appeal to people who are triggered by losing a camp to a boxer. The reality is good players don't lose camps to lone boxers and they're easy to push out of a camp. So these are you basic cuck players who cry because they saw a boxer and their little friend group of 1 Rogue, 1 Shaman, and 1 Druid trying to take a camp from a 12 boxer couldn't figure it out.
What Truebox directly causes is a scenario where "real" cheaters box with impunity and derive huge benefits from doing so, as they use programs to bypass truebox and automate their characters they can do all kinds of stuff regular players who just want to abide the rules cannot do. So for all the eras in which "concern cucks" are "concerned" about boxing, you're giving a free gift to RMTers and other botters. Then when that era starts to end (around PoP-GoD) you basically create a situation where a huge % of the server can't easily continue playing because a group of at least a few characters is needed to do much of anything in EQ even today at live at 115, and basic server dynamics start making groups harder to just throw together casually aroun this time. You're tanks and melee dps, the ones who with raid gear can most easily start to anchor a box crew, will around this time work out ways to half ass run crews under truebox rules, and the rest of your guild will largely experience grouping past that point as an experience in which you're basically asking a boxer who doesn't need anything you offer to please help you do content. Compare this to how in real EQ played on normal SOE servers from the year 2005-2021, people just made additional accounts to get through this stuff.
So in short Truebox actually just benefits RMTers and cheaters in the first 4-5 expansions of EQ and then creates server population issues that just grow over time for every server once it's out of those early eras.
There is a large overlap between autism and 'gender diversity'. Sieger, Cuk- I'm looking at you.Someone shared something more on that Karen I posted chat from earlier and, yup, you guessed it, another high drama EQ tranny. What is it about this game and trannies?
Your viewing displeasure
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I like that I see a guild called "No Cuks Given" in the background.
Nerfing things after so many years is just lol. Color stuns have always been super strong if used correctly. Jesus that's how you did aoe groups from Kunark onwards. 2 enc can lock down a shit ton of mobs infinitely. So what. How were they nerfed and when btw?Same with the color stun 'fix'. Boxers can easily add a few more enc outside of the group, so it only fucks people trying to AE within the truebox rules.
There is a large overlap between autism and 'gender diversity'. Sieger, Cuk- I'm looking at you.
ever seen a group appear down at juggs when a new pick opens and wonder how they got that charm pet down there? since you know... call of the hero breaks charm now. but warping does not break charm.
It’s not me.It's actually "No Guks Given"...not sure if it's related to that "What The Guk" guild on whichever server that was.
It’s not me.
That’s a good one though - someone should snap that up.
long live “ the mighty cuks” static guild from selos.
My next static will be called <Cuck-Thusiasts>
Well, bought an under the desk tower mount for my PC so that I have more room on my desk to add a 2nd laptop/box. Thanks a lot you fucks.
I'm honestly stopping at 3. After 3 it gets tougher to "manage" without shit like ISboxer sharing inputs and shit. Plus, there's a shitload more stuff that opens up with 3 chars as opposed to 2. A lot of shit after 3 is just adding more "fluff" or "faster" though, I feel. I just want to be able to farm some named and a few "groupable" type mobs while I sit LFG, honestly. That and future proofing myself a little bit for GoD+, because that's when all the boxer concern cucks leave for the next TLP and I want to see live/close to it finally. If GoD and beyond was more populated and I had fairly consistent statics, I'd feel differently and wouldn't box at all.DON'T DO IT
(refer to the clown makeup meme above)
TBH you couldn't pay me to box, outside of Phinny which has full windowed tab boxing enabled so I can do it all from one screen.
The one named after Oklahoma State University?You guys are completely missing the point of min/maxing your number of boxes.
It all comes down to the game no longer being fun anymore once you reach a certain number of boxes. You're never actually playing the game, you're just playing wack a mole and at that point why aren't you just playing that popular Asian music game where you chase circles around on a screen. What the fuck is that called anyways? The one where the hardcore players like, use a special tablet.
I'm honestly stopping at 3. After 3 it gets tougher to "manage" without shit like ISboxer sharing inputs and shit. Plus, there's a shitload more stuff that opens up with 3 chars as opposed to 2. A lot of shit after 3 is just adding more "fluff" or "faster" though, I feel. I just want to be able to farm some named and a few "groupable" type mobs while I sit LFG, honestly. That and future proofing myself a little bit for GoD+, because that's when all the boxer concern cucks leave for the next TLP and I want to see live/close to it finally. If GoD and beyond was more populated and I had fairly consistent statics, I'd feel differently and wouldn't box at all.