I didnt even know people were KS'ing Epic Quest mobs as bad as they are, even after seeing peoples examples. The other night, I was helping a couple clerics with their epic piece in Lake Rathe. The part where you turn the crown in and kill the Fire Elemental. We were probably 5/6 deep when we first got there for the first Cleric. Sakura appeared to be afk over on the side. Said something about Sakura to someone else in Discord and they said to be wary because theyre a POS person. Sakura never moved on that first Cleric's turn in likely due to the force we had there. Other cleric binds there and we go do Ixiblat etc. while we wait on respawn.
Its about 4am when the next pop was about to happen. I left my 53 Mage there to help kill the Fire Elemental and told the cleric that another 60 DPS was coming just to be safe after the warning and to hold on for a minute. He was anxious (or just didnt expect it to happen) to get his piece, so he turned it in with just him and the Mage there. As soon as he turns it in, a Wizard (some weird name) and Sakura run over and starts nuking the shit out of the mobs for the credit. At the end, the wizard is telling him he turned in a crown too and that he should have been more prepared for a DPS race. Finally, the wiz said after berating him to do better - "You should sit here and wait for the next clerics turn in and KS that one!" making it a dead give away that he did just that.
Shit all I could do to help him at that point. I could only feel bad for the Cleric, knowing he was probably fuming mad. He paid 2 krono for the Berg crown cause getting the Berg camp without a big group of people pushing out the entire group of krono farmers at that camp would be a tall order in itself. After thinking about it, there are a ton of quest mobs that people can kill to skip huge portions of the bottle necks. I feel like it's only going to get worse as the server keeps going. Would be one thing if CS did something about it, but good luck getting anywhere with their hands off approach.