I like the server, but

But yeah, I like the server.

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- 2
I like the server, but
But yeah, I like the server.
randomized would still be more loot on average since you'll be hitting targets that don't normally have any sort of priority attached to them. But yes, random double Vulak KTs, or Double Vulak Tunares are definitely awesome.My hot take on this ruleset isn't that randomized loot is really so nice its that you get literally double or more loot ontop of that. Randomized alone wouldn't be great without the huge lootsplosions youre seeing.
I am so out of the loop here. I'll just move on.
You know it's a loot pinata when my lame old ass gets a primal bow drop. Not even dkp - there's so much loot the RL is just like, "Yeah, roll or whatever". It's crazy.
Yeah i have no idea who those people are supposed to be or what it has to do with anything
Turn in the primal battlehammer for primal fist wraps. MH fist wraps, bare OH. Use dot aug.
The proc augs are basically useless for DPS. Both of the DPS options have issues with them (threat or debuff slots/breaking mez) and provide less than 5 DPS total. I always went with heal procs since its something and will never hurt.
Fist Wraps are 15/20 instead of 13/20.Fist wraps are better than the battlehammer? Figured they were about the same.
Yeah, that sounds good. I'll probably go with the insta and hope for more procs.
would a fist weapon beat out a 1h blunt weapon with exact same ratios or would they be completely even?
I've heard different things about fist weapon being specifically better than an equal ratio 1h blunt weapon and also that certain weapons are better than epics vs mighty buff mobs because of the damage bonus. but I'm not sure which things are true and which are false.