Yeah, AA farming was always rough in Luclin, even back "in the day". I think I entered PoP with like 40 or 50aas max back on my mage on EMarr. Not only are the zones boring (Velks is old as shit by this point and Grieg's is literally the WoW meme of "hallway, boss, hallway" personified), but most of the "good" spots only support 1 group max. Inner AC? 1 group. IC/OC? 1 group. Gate? 1 group. And if more than 1 group tries to push into those areas, it makes already slow AA exp slower.
PoP alleviates a ton of that. Not only because the ZEMs are better, but also higher level mobs, more zones to farm, etc. I'm actually MOST looking forward to LDoN. I know it's an expansion most people hate and it isn't the greatest for farming AA, but I really love having my own "instance" to take my box crew, especially since you can do it for a massive level range.