Ssraeszha Raider
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Don't forget Kunark and Classic. Oh wait that's literally every expansion.
Pretty crazy you're unironically arguing a mob that's 1 groupable 5 levels below the level cap with previous expo gear belongs on the same Tier as Rathe Council and Tallon Zek in Time. The gap between Mischief dual wield VS and PD wasn't that big and TBH dual wield VS is probably harder then PD. Fay is probably the only mob you could argue didn't belong on the T1 list and it was one of 12 mobs so it wasn't a big deal. On the other hand with POP the mobs that don't belong outnumber the Time boss/EP bosses and make up like 30% of the loot table.
Every other expo has basically boiled down to kill more of the high end raid mobs for more of the best loot. POP basically boils down to if you kill high end raids you get less of the best loot then someone doing the easy raids. That's just backwards. You couldn't get sky loot or CoF by doing Hate minis, you couldn't get PD robes by doing Royals, you couldn't get Vulak loot by killing Dain, you couldn't get AHR loot by killing Servitor. This server has been far from "do whatever the fuck you'd like." I have zero problem with letting people do easier content and have a chance at the best loot. But that's far different than making the easy content better for farming the best loot.
The inspiration for the server was chatter on the live forums about have a TLP that's more like D2/POE. Both those game employ a "Tiered Random Loot" system and that's were the inspiration for where Mischiefs loot system came from. It's really cool that in D2 you can get BiS SoJ off Nightmare Andy, but it's also important that Hell Chaos runs give better loot for the time spent.
This is wrong. You get the most and best loot doing the hard and easy raids then someone only doing one or the other.
The idea that you can only do one or the other is absolutely retarded
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