biggest problem I have with the models is how you can't differentiate the races from them. Except for iksar/vah shir They all look like the same species just scaled differently.Ogre and Troll helm for the win imo.
I truly hate most of the Luclin character models. I especially hate the ogre and troll models from Luclin. It's no because they are just horrible models, but more so it is because they are horrendously nothing like their original models. The original class ogre and troll models are awesome. Yes they are blocky, but it is a specific artistic style that I believe is a million times better looking than the luclin models.
lmao same, and the ogre female one too wtf i assumed they were just the same.Played this game on and off for 20 something years. Never seen the Troll Female Custom helm and i never wanna see it again.
Nothing dropped Vish loot so far... Though it seems Kessadona, Rikkukin, Yarlir and Vish are on the "vish" table.Do any of the like 2 groupable "raids" drop yar or vish loot by chance?
Do any of the like 2 groupable "raids" drop yar or vish loot by chance?
I think they said after they see how it works out on Vaniki. Which is in 2023 or 2024.
Agreed most fun I had. Glad to see Faceless still raiding it up!New post, pile on.
My highest lvl char on mischief was a lvl 39 paladin. Had him all twinked out in some planar gear and a nice Jeldorin. It will be hard to top the ruleset of this server.
Agreed most fun I had. Glad to see Faceless still raiding it up!
I want to but raid times is the only time I get to spend time with my son (work and he’s in daycare) so I wanna spend time with him. We’re playing fallout together in the evening (he’s 4)We're still going strongShould raid with us!
DoDH opens next week.What expansion is Mischief on now anyway?
I burned out pretty hardcore on Yelinak at this point. Been spending time in Lord of the Rings Online and WoW WoTLK Classic.
Been playing LOTRO too and its a blast.What expansion is Mischief on now anyway?
I burned out pretty hardcore on Yelinak at this point. Been spending time in Lord of the Rings Online and WoW WoTLK Classic.
How did you guys fix the resolution problem? I cant stand playing a game in windowed mode.Been playing LOTRO too and its a blast.