Finally got the video of our full first Solteris clear. It was only 1 hour 37 minutes from zoning in til it was cleared.
I think his bind had changed due to gate shenanigans we did during the group task rush. He was prob bound like at the Shissar turn in dudeGuy: "I'd already zoned into Katta and my throne was down"
Always have gate potions bruh
This era is really solid, the Atlantis theme and everything, the raid weapons look cool, and the missions are a lot of fun. Only problem is no AAs and not a lot to do for raid-geared people. If they added some AAs and maybe tiny amounts of raid currency to group missions in TBS it'd be one of my favorite eras.
Any of you guys able to help me out, by point me at where I can acquire a globe of discordant energy for the 2.0? I've heard you don't needa clear Anguish on Mischief, and that mini's have the potential to drop it? Have a group of 80's that wanna nab a few if this is realistic. (SK, Sham, Cleric, Bard, Monk, Berz)
Yes, minis. So can do those every two hours until you get one. Not sure how common but should be an easy farm.Any of you guys able to help me out, by point me at where I can acquire a globe of discordant energy for the 2.0? I've heard you don't needa clear Anguish on Mischief, and that mini's have the potential to drop it? Have a group of 80's that wanna nab a few if this is realistic. (SK, Sham, Cleric, Bard, Monk, Berz)
See, this one confused me. Heard the same thing and thought they were wrong. Good to hear confirmation here. So, is there anything I needa do to start said event? Or just clear the room at the top?Easiest way by far is the “event” at the top of harbingers spire. The two bosses (that you can spawn like 8 times each per cycle) share the same loot pool as the minis. Easier than minis and don’t require keying.
Each cycle is triggered by killing a dragorn sycophant, and there are 8 or so at the top. So you kill one, and attendant of light and like 6 mobs spawn. Kill attendant and guardian of the beacon spawns. Likely everything in the room will agro during this, so kill everything that’s not sycophant beforehand or during first cycle, and just keep all of the remaining sycophants slowed or mezzed. Once guardian is dead, kill next sycophant and repeat. You end up with about 16 shots at an orb, plus you’ll get all of the augs. It shouldn’t be a problem to do at all with the group you have, just gotta find event up. Think the sycophants are only a few hour spawn.See, this one confused me. Heard the same thing and thought they were wrong. Good to hear confirmation here. So, is there anything I needa do to start said event? Or just clear the room at the top?
also thanksRajaah and