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As a kid, during the early expansions up to POP (as thats when I stopped, and even stop TLP's if I do play), I always wanted them to do more with secret teleports like the pots, and broken druid rings, and buried wizard towers and all that stuff. I vaguely remember walking up to the Wizard tower, I think it was.. Greater Faydark? Where I had no clue what it was at that point, it was just that "hum" ... that set the stage for me as a kid. I would have much rather have seen something more along the lines of that, then what eventually came out as Plane of Knowledge. Luclin started the difference in lighting, architecture, and higher polygon counts, but it was POK in particular that not only looked vastly different than the rest of the game, but also changed the way the rest of the game played as well. Was not a fan then, and still not a fan now.Zaide Listening to the Miragul Dramaquest (maybe DQ should have it's own thread?)
I think it would have kicked ass if we got a necromancy-themed expansion with Miragul, Mayong, and Venril teaming up as some kind of unholy trio. This hypothetical expansion could expand on the Miragul's Highway idea and involve a lot of teleports and underworld caverns around the world.
IIRC they kind of teased something vaguely similar to this in DoN and DoDH with evil necromantic forces afoot, cursing the dragon nest and turning Darkhollow upside down. I vaguely remember player rumors that Venril was involved.
Later on they brought back Miragul in House of Thule and Venril in Empires of Kunark but I don't know how canon I consider either of those to the early eras. They both kinda just came back to be fodder raids IMO.
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