He was gonna get kicked eventually with that attitude. Ask Azzudien.You wanted that dude guild kicked. I don't believe it was roleplay![]()
Gotta get in early. This is what the fast levelers know. Once the farmers get there crews up to lvl, they will just take over whole zones to make krono. Plan on taking time off work for the initial rush, or expect a shitty EQ experience if you only want to go to the popular zones. But 1 guy killing the whole of upper guk, we need trivial loot code done right.Keon is a known piece of shit that likes to run a zerg guild in the beginning of TLPs.
Also, jesus fuck, everyone talks about how fast and easy leveling is but if you're behind the curve, it's full of so many roadblocks. PL groups in both picks of Sol A keeping every gnome dead, someone clearing out anything high level in Upper Guk, even all the higher cons in Permafrost were dead. It's frustrating.
Plus, literally every rare spawn has someone camping it.
That's not why I have been coming to this forum.It's all roleplay. I didn't come to play EQ without starting shit.
EQ is massively boring without drama. That's why I am playing a rogue.
Don't tell me you click on this thread to ignore the amazing content coming out of the community.
I wish they would start a server with kunark. I would love to play an iskar.Stuff should be way better when Kunark opens soon. Fuck leveling in classic.
Because some streamers convince new people to play EQ after they have been away for 20 years. Come back for the good times, and they do. They were having a great time. you, not so much. But think, you had an adventure, and then talked about it. And that's what EQ is about, having adventures and sharing the experience. Shame you had to rage quit.sometimes pugs are amazing, sometimes they're a nightmare... join an lguk group last night (right before receiving a tell for another group) and i get down to camp and 1 person gates - okay he was leaving we'll have a rep. another 1 just been afk the entire time in the current group they just realised - okay we'll boot him. down 2 people - somehow the bard dies just running around looking for something - okay we'll wait on him while we get 2 reps. okay got the 2 reps, neither know lguk or how to get to exe - okay i'll go get them. 1 of them doesnt understand how to get to bedroom - okay ill help him. agros the BR anyways after we get out of water - okay we'll kill and reinvis. tell them to hug wall left to not agro bats - okay he runs straight into the middle of the room - okay call him retarded and boot. bring the other to the spot and bard finally comes back - okay we'll pull while we wait for 1 more. somehow bard dies again after i told him 5x ill pull and to just stay in camp playing clarity song - okay he agros entire sage room and dies. /q out - man how can people be so retarded in a 20 year old game in the most common zone in eq
This guy trains people hard on every TLP in Classic.Does anyone know Keon? I got shadow invited to his guild at like lvl 5 and joined for the heck of it. Tonight he started having an ugly meltdown in guild chat and was randomly gkicking members and I thought “I wonder if this dude has some history”.
This is for pure curiosity. I don’t give any shits about him or his mass invite guild.
Like who do they think are buying all the krono to buy pixels. It's the same idiots that don't know what the exe camp is, let alone where it is. But they have the money to buy $250 of heritage crates in the hopes of looking like a halfling deputy, buy all the bags they can, and buy a bunch of krono because that's what everyone is using to buy and sell pixels, and they want pixels. You should love the newb, they are the ones throwing their money at Darkpaw.You'd be surprised how many actual newbies there are on the server. Everybody likes to talk about how everyone is on their 47th TLP but there are a lot of people who have not played any TLP ever and even some who have not played EverQuest.
I thought it looked more like this.I paid 5kr to Mahes for the deputy illusion yesterday with zero ragrets~
Told my wife "I just traded a guy $75 worth of game time to look like Ron Jeremy cosplaying as Zorro on raids"