Will do, thanks.Probably doable; send a tell to Qelyn or Ipower in game.
It could be.Just got gm checked less than 2 mins after "bot" call out on faceless chat.. Could it be that faceless discord has better response time than petitions?
Any Faceless bros looking for a necro for your Kunark launch static? I missed the server launch static grouping and I'm not having much luck finding a static. I'm off Wednesday - Friday so I'm fairly open on times, but I'd prefer to get some sleep. I can no life it if that's my only option, though. I really regret missing the initial rush and don't want to experience that again because this server has attracted a much larger amount of stupid people than previous TLPs.
I'm just trying to go from 50 to 60...It's pretty aids leveling without a regular group. If I had a regular group I'd be playing, but alas. EQ just isn't special without friends to play with, unless you just like farming. Maybe start asking in commons for anyone planning on rolling Iksars, and you can get a group together?
Trying to keep out the riff-raffkinadin Lots of people in guild don’t even know about the Kunark static discord yet. As the 23rd gets closer, it’ll get more people in it.
I plan on making an iksar monkey, but I not gonna be super hardcore.It's pretty aids leveling without a regular group. If I had a regular group I'd be playing, but alas. EQ just isn't special without friends to play with, unless you just like farming. Maybe start asking in commons for anyone planning on rolling Iksars, and you can get a group together?
well.. at least all the bot groups in lguk are keeping picks open.
Funny enough it's the naked bard with a yak that perfectly positions behind the mob every time that gives it away..
pity they still havent scripted a work around for their target being charmed though *shrugs*.
*wait I lie* - Jankkers in pick 79 is far-taunting all of live tower and kingJust taunts another mob when you charm the target... go Jankkers
I got to 50 on a rogue without a static. Just have to make your own group. Helps if you're talkative and keep a list of good pugs to call on, and what pugs are worthless and are somehow bad at EQ.
Can tell the whales are starting their twinks now too. Rogue gear has tripled in price because of people rolling up those melee twinks finally.
Corflunks head, thought that was pretty interesting.Have you pick pocketed anything interesting on the server?
Yeah, same here. Giants / Seafuries mostly.Corflunks head, thought that was pretty interesting.
But mostly gems from bot groups farming ice giants.