If you're not going to actually confess/make up anything, stop shitting the thread with "teehee I know so much!"
I can tell you that, for a fact, there have been 'old guard' folks that see people boxing 24-48 players at once and just say, "Wow! That's neat! How do we get them to keep paying us while also having normal players play still?" - because at the end of the day, Daybreak and other companies are businesses. They exist to make money.
It's rare you'll see a company sabotage its bottom line like that. It's why MacroQuest isn't outright bannable and has this whole, "Well, is it affecting another player directly and being used to grief them?" policy on whether or not someone using MQ2 gets removed.
It's rare someone actually just bypasses all MQ2 protections anyways, they have proven before that they can ban for stuff like MySEQ, especially if it's just a 2 week suspension, since they know you'll be back playing after the suspension anyways.
If you're boxing 24 or 48 characters, doing so in isolation and not hogging up a zone that gets frequently used, they have zero reason to ban you if all you're doing is generating profits for them and keeping to yourself. They'll let the RMT of Krono slide as they know it's a finite supply. Eventually, someone will just buy directly from Daybreak.
If they get tired of you or you push their limits in any way, they can just ban you forever and strip people you've sold to of their Krono after a short suspension, and all of that Krono is suddenly out of the market, forcing more people to buy from them.
If there's any shady business going down, it's not with the finance itself, but with inconsistently enforced rules, because that's absolutely industry standard. When I've seen that done, CSRs are generally operating on their own or with direction from the top, and developers may not even fully be in the loop, depending on their interest in knowing that sort of info.
Most engineers/designers/etc aren't really invested into customer support as they see it beneath them; it's their job to just assume everything works as it should, and outside of that, management might direct them to change their design/code/etc based on customer support events. But those are rare, and generally, if it's making them money, it won't be touched until money is endangered.
Devs just want their paycheck and to go home. They don't give a fuck beyond that what joe shmoe is doing, until they find a design / code dupe, and then they'd have to get involved.
Stuff like the duping exploit directly impacts their bottom line to an extent - if no one can afford the baseline price and one individual is pumping too much plat or items into the economy, that directly fucks with established norms. So they're likely to ban a duper and fix their exploit, but not ban a 24-48 boxer, as one is infinitely times more useful being unbanned for them than the other.