The funny thing is that all the regular players on the official forums will be baffled as to why they made it easier to deal with FTE when power leveling rather than making it harder on the power levelers.
It's so fucking obvious and people truly just refuse to see it.
- Bots run 24 hours a day 365 days a year with out being shut down by GMs
- Doing anything near one of these farming crews that in any way hampers them will usually get you a suspension and not them
- Posting screen shots, videos, or simply mentioning the name of these characters on the forums gets you in trouble and the thread locked
- And, the real kicker... you never see a GM around until you piss off just the right person in game, and then they are all over your ass accusing you of shit
- MQ and programs like it are used rampidly on every server and have been for literally ever
- There's not a single hardcore raid guild that doesn't have at least one person using eyes, and it's done on every server and always has been
Getting suspensions boils down to who you piss off and whether they have a pocket GM or not.
What is it going to take to get the normal average player to realize that the rules are there for the corrupt employees to keep the paying customers from interfering with their black market second income? I don't think they ever will.