Not mine but found it amusing, the real producers letter.
Everquest Producers Letter Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024! by Jan Chen
This year we did alot of things. We started many things and finished only a few things. The one thing we finished is the new expansion, but it isn't working properly so you can't play the rest of the game right now. We started so many things like UI scaling but didn't finish them. We got a Direct X11 port to test, but didn't get it incorporated into the actual game. This year and this year only we did things and stuff. For a limited time, you can get a free orc mercenary metamorph wand, and also you can spend 45$ to buy a clockwork bear mount at the beginning of 2024. Thanks for paying our bills, kind subscribers of the Everquest. Without you buying exp potions, we wouldn't have jobs.
Sincerely, Jan Chen