Did you not read anything I said?meh, what did i expect. this forum is where my 14 year self comes out and i blog post my feelings like a teenager that's angry at his parents. So what do I get back? trash 14 year old kid bandwagon'ing responses back.
Understandable though, disrespect from me breeding disrespect back from you. Get what you give and all.
It's all good, ill go fuck off for now.
PS - therapists and drugs is bullshit to keep people blue and sleepy.
meh, what did i expect. this forum is where my 14 year self comes out and i blog post my feelings like a teenager that's angry at his parents. So what do I get back? trash 14 year old kid bandwagon'ing responses back.
Understandable though, disrespect from me breeding disrespect back from you. Get what you give and all.
It's all good, ill go fuck off for now.
PS - therapists and drugs is bullshit to keep people blue and sleepy.
meh, what did i expect. this forum is where my 14 year self comes out and i blog post my feelings like a teenager that's angry at his parents. So what do I get back? trash 14 year old kid bandwagon'ing responses back.
Understandable though, disrespect from me breeding disrespect back from you. Get what you give and all.
It's all good, ill go fuck off for now.
PS - therapists and drugs is bullshit to keep people blue and sleepy.
Agreeing with your delusions that you're in a simulation because you're not magically rewarded for good intentions is disrespectful.
Telling you that you're not important enough for the entire world to have it out for you, and what you're really experiencing from the universe is apathy, not evil, isn't disrespectful, it's honest.
Interesting take, the issue is i have a bunch of evidence. I'll post it. Do you want it in this thread or a new one?
If it's just more examples of good deeds that weren't cosmically rewarded then it doesn't need to go anywhere.
If they're of actual substance then here is fine, can't be any crazier than the idea ofFoler actually having friends
You realize that you, in this thread, are the homeless guy that got high, skipped his first day of work, and threw his new clothes away. Everybody else here are the ones that got you the new clothes and an interview. Right now, you are getting mad at us for walking away saying we don't have time for this in our life after we tried to help you change yours for the better.Youre good at making posts to trigger the other guy I'll admit. Must be fun to have all the tools and bells and whistles while your slave grasps at straws. Special place in hell for your kind.
Anyway I'm out. Don't need to prove jack shit to you id rather let you sleep and reincarnate again as the demon low life you are
Youre good at making posts to trigger the other guy I'll admit. Must be fun to have all the tools and bells and whistles while your slave grasps at straws. Special place in hell for your kind.
Anyway I'm out. Don't need to prove jack shit to you id rather let you sleep and reincarnate again as the demon low life you are
I considerIf it's just more examples of good deeds that weren't cosmically rewarded then it doesn't need to go anywhere.
If they're of actual substance then here is fine, can't be any crazier than the idea ofFoler actually having friends
Bro you’re in Florida? You gotta come to one ofI really got to start making a documentary about the simulation hah.
So anytime im negative or make a bad comment or talk shit or say 'meh i could pass on this song' in my mind, a car loses its shit outside and the muffler is louder than like 140 decibels. It's horrifying that not only is it 'this is the likely scenario of whats occuring' to wait, no, 'im actually trapped in some sort of holographic or fake universe'.
I try to get a girlfriend. Not allowed.
Try to get a meaningful job in information technology, not allowed.
Try to persevere and make something of my life through creative outlets, not allowed.
Yesterday I went to restaurant in florida and i begged the manager to let this homeless guy i know have a shot at a dishwashing job. I got him to the interview. I went to walmart and bought him clothes (previously got him a bunch of food). we went to his first interview yesterday and he got a second one for today.
Today i show up at the park where he was waiting for me, he's stoned or fucked up. The clothes i got him covered by his tattered clothes. I spent Over $100 on him altogether. He says he's too cold (75+ degrees) and doesnt want to wear the nice clothes as he stumbles around from whatever he smoked.
So I start waking away after telling him im sorry im not equipt to deal with this any longer. I have to be straight with him because i walk the park he sleeps at a lot to get exercise. he looks at me about to kill me.
Last night i donated to another homeless guy, bread and water and a soup can.
I'm not showing off, because you know all of this already, this isnt a brag. But today my day is shit. and the point is::::::::::::::
Try to make a difference in the world, not allowed.
Try to groundhog day - perfect day scenario, not allowed and doesnt work.
Try to kill myself, yew seeds, not allowed. Gun, blacklisted.
A month ago i donated $450 dollars to charity after giving a kid in need half of my stuff, about $2.5k worth, i had the worst week of my life afterword. I thought it was a nice thing to do, and i thought god or the creator would ease up, but like i said, proceeded one of the worst weeks.
I'm starting to show genuine signs of schizophrenia where i perceive taylor swift as gaslighting me in my mind and she has been doing this for a bit now.
This entities hatred never ends. I cant even kill myself.
I felt the poison course through my veins 8 months ago from enough yew to kill an elephant, i woke up fine 20 minutes later after passing out.
My cat, Jasker, got some sort of brain disease where he became super aggressive. He cut the vet so bad that i couldnt get the medicine he needed to go to florida with me from new york, and i couldnt really do anything with him anymore because i started to get scared of him. He was really my only fucking friend. I tried giving him to a shelter i volunteered at for a year or so. The shelter told me they couldnt take him, and they wanted to put him down. They spoke to me like i was trash and like they didnt know how many man hours i spent scooping up after the strays of new york.
All I know in this life is evil.
I got to get the fuck out of here
I'm the simulation guy, Jasker.
I have no affiliation with Jasper and don't know who he is other than him strangely not saying wtf no about sim stuff when he shouldn't have any idea
@Lightning Lord Rule lightning can you tag me and jasper respectively with not jasper and not jasker?
Impersonation is illegal
I don't want my bros likeBoozeCube and @Szeth not knowing who they are talking to.
Anyways much love to you guys
And can't wait for this release where I will strangely disappointed
The world, like Norrath, is tough, Jasper. Think about this, though. You walk into Sol A at lvl 18 and loin cloth for gear and you know what happens. You get fucked. Gain a few levels, get yourself a few hp rings, bring some friends that aren’t retarded, and next thing you know you’re too strong for that zone.
Life is the same. Level up a bit before you try to help out the bums, that’s a level 35 quest and you’re only lvl 10. Do the little things right and reduce the stress of the shit you can control, then realize you have gained a lvl and you can handle some more.
That is so completely spot-on. I'm guessing this kind of exchange has happened many times in his life and he doesn't have the insight to understand what is actually going on in terms of how he reacts.You realize that you, in this thread, are the homeless guy that got high, skipped his first day of work, and threw his new clothes away. Everybody else here are the ones that got you the new clothes and an interview. Right now, you are getting mad at us for walking away saying we don't have time for this in our life after we tried to help you change yours for the better.
Man, you guys are really shitting up the pointless speculation thread. Can we get back to Foler having inside info already?
I have inside information:
Nothing is coming out in the time we want it to because someone in this reality is delaying us, likely myself.
We have shit like apple's vr glasses being in the release builds for unreal engine 5 as a stock fuctional product that exists and the glasses arent even coming out til like next year. What the fuck is that? It's called simulation and multiverse based realities mixing by accident.
You guys think i talk shit and make no sense but:
This argument alone does you all in:
Chatgpt has been out a while now. A coder can leverage it in any intelligent context to finish any project they're working on in a matter of hours or days.
All of these projects should be done and ready to ship.
On a worst case scenario they are running into issues with art assets.
And i'm the asshole for saying we're in a simulation.
We are absolutely in a simulation.
I love beating my dick against the wall to prove to people in on the joke that we're in a simulation. It's a fun time.