HiI wouldn't let that deter you from selling/giving accounts away. I sell accounts every TLP and haven't had an issue. It's just something to keep in the back of your mind.
I prefer to do the epic quests because they're a lot of fun (for me anyway) and I've done 'em all. Hardest was Mage 1.0 because I had terrible luck with that one. All of that said, Bard 1.0 is the one epic I'd probably just buy with krono rather than trying to do, especially if it's for a box bard to follow me around and bang coconuts together. I just can't be arsed with it at this point.
Agree about time. For me I can spend 3-4 hours at work and make the $120 for bard epic kronos, which is waaaaaay less time than the epic would take to actually do in-era.
Yeah, Necros are bomb KSers. I was able to hold a couple LGuk camps as a 50 SK on Vaniki (or maybe it was 45, IDK) and aggressively contest anybody who rolled up with undead nukes and, if it was a named and the situation was dire, maybe an HT too. Necro is even better though. I'm still thinking of doing a double Necro situation (or Shaman) and just going around aggressively contesting things for the fun of competition.
Get outta here, Fed!
Well, that's a bummer. I guess I'll keep not selling/giving away accts when I'm done with a server. Just such a waste though. I'm guessing they'll never change their policies on this kind of thing.
Necro / Shaman works pretty damn well, at least past level 46-51ish. Find a paladin buddy and you can get some serious dungeon crawling going.I'd definitely go double shaman. They can serve as decent enough tanks with slow on so you can keep them up and ping pong damage. With Torpor, that's pretty powerful. Double necro I think would require more micro management (well, except for Canni...) and be somewhat more restrictive but charm can be fun.
Yeah it's really hard to show an employer that I haven't worked since 2015 and have them believe that it's because I went through stage 4 cancer from 2016-2020 and years of recovery after. Even Chewy probably wouldn't hire me.
Tried working retail, got hired at Family Dollar in October, couldn't keep up. Maybe Walmart would be more understanding of my fatigue idk. I really tried tho.You can just say your gap in employment is due to COVID. Literally no one gives a shit about your work history anymore. Walmart's paying like $18 to start and barely has an interview process.
People are quitting jobs at an alarming rate, so you can just get a shit, lazy job that pays well, as they expect you to quit in 3 months anyways.
Or you could farm Krono and make less idc it's up to you.
You can just say your gap in employment is due to COVID. Literally no one gives a shit about your work history anymore. Walmart's paying like $18 to start and barely has an interview process.
People are quitting jobs at an alarming rate, so you can just get a shit, lazy job that pays well, as they expect you to quit in 3 months anyways.
Or you could farm Krono and make less idc it's up to you.
I did.That's a great idea and I hope they thought of it. Simply removing keying would make that server tremendously fun rather than tedious. Then the only question becomes what era does it start in? As someone else said earlier, Velious start sounds interesting. There would be a mad dash for ST. I might even raid VP (VP 1.0 is the only retro zone in the game that I've never raided in-era).
If they really want to do something awesome, go Selo/Mischief combination, remove keying, start in classic for 1 month, and make zerkers/beastlords available from the beginning. The only problem with that server is it'd make future servers look bad.
I'm surprised you didn't sell it to him as an excuse to just do the quest a second time.
Like I said. The grind kills me. And I have no interest in actually playing. Just looking for a work-at-home income source from people I can trust. Looking at the amount of money you guys say people are dropping, it would clearly beat a minimum wage job since it would be "under the table"
Doubtful, my doctor warns me against spending time outside in the Michigan winter due to my nerve damage.
No car and public transportation sucks in my city, so work from home is my only recourse til spring. Perhaps some other work from home job would be better but really need something I can do on my own schedule since I never know what days I'm gonna feel too terrible to do much.
Necro / Shaman works pretty damn well, at least past level 46-51ish. Find a paladin buddy and you can get some serious dungeon crawling going.
Might not be the ideal set of boxes if you want to raid, but IMO paladin / necro / shaman is the ideal dungeon crawler setup. Only thing better is probably enchanter / cleric but damn is that a lot more stressful from moment to moment.
Paladins are pretty weak in Kunark and Velious but really start to shine come PoP. They'll never have the same solo power as an SK but I loved them as the anchor of my groups.I'd also love to get paid to farm on TLPs, since I do that to relax anyway. Too bad I can't double it up with my regular job likeSorrowsEnd does.
What I could really use is a solid work from home gig because traveling all the time for the past couple years is wearing me out. Maybe I'll hit up Chewy too, lol.
I'm in a vaguely similar situation where my health sucks and I've got a number of injuries (a couple herniated discs is the one that doesn't seem to be going away). Doctors are super reluctant to prescribe anything more than low doses of Ultram, which mildly helps but my issues are way more severe than they seem to realize. I've pretty much given up on trying to get them to take things seriously or actually help, they're too worried that I'll "spiral into ODing on fentanyl" if I start taking 2-3 of these weak ultram pills a day instead of one. I'm gonna end up on one of those "gray market drug sites" you mentioned.
Anyway, doing things on my own schedule has become very appealing because a lot of days I feel terrible, but it doesn't matter, shit still has to get done. I've got a car so I could probably just go home and switch entirely to ubering, but then I have to deal with city drivers who drive like they're actually trying to die, so I don't know. Working from home with a variable schedule would be a sick gig, for sure.
Yeah, ya know, I never played a Paladin on TLP, just once on Live from 1-70 back in like 2009 or something. SK is my strongest class so maybe I'll flip that around and try a Paladin this time. Between Sha/Nec I'm leaning Shaman due to the versatility and the fact that I've played Necro to death.
Depending on what the server rules are, I could go:
-2x Shaman
-2x Necro
-1 Necro + 1 Shaman
-1 Shaman
-1 Paladin
-If no truebox, one of all 3 (probably more effort than I feel like making but it'd be new)
Couple years ago I had 3 laptops, but when I stopped EQing much I gave two of them away to family. I'm sure I could borrow one of them, but aside from that if they're doing truebox I'll probably have to only play one char unless I feel like going and getting a couple inexpensive new laptops. I really don't though, being able to tab would be great. Under truebox circumstances I might do Shaman for the initial grind / farming and switch to a Paladin main after a couple weeks.
Well, no sense in planning things out much until actual rule-sets are announced.
you need to first amass like 6 or 12 krono and get your laptop game up... then every year you re-roll and just farm the highest group camp each new expansion... eventually you start getting more krono then you need to maintain subs then just sell that shit on redguides cmon bra i know you can do that... even moreso, you do this each server release on a new set of accounts that you then sell each yearYeah it's really hard to show an employer that I haven't worked since 2015 and have them believe that it's because I went through stage 4 cancer from 2016-2020 and years of recovery after. Even Chewy probably wouldn't hire me.
If you start a new account and use only kronos to pay for it, no card, no name, different email, NOTHING connecting the account to you, would that remove the threat of having your main account banned if you sell the side-account to someone who gets in trouble?
^ This. Just say "covid". Nobody asks any questions anymore if you do that. I barely worked at all in the second half of 2020 and never even got second-guessed about it by anyone because I just went "covid" and they'd be like "OH, say no more sir"
Haven't had a GF in a few years, longest gap by far I've ever had without one. Whenever I have another one and they ask why I didn't date for a few years I'll be like "covid"
I've got a library book that was due back in October and I'm still reading it. They called about it and I said "covid" and they said no problem, return it whenever.
That’s definitely a lot of people. I love the “it’s too much loot and boring” minority.Mischief or I dont even care tbh
Mischief or I dont even care tbh