- 13,126
- 17,731
Thing that concerns me is once 60 is out, doing anguish we're not only 10 levels behind we're also 3 expansions worth of AA behind which I think is going to be a huge disadvantage. Endurance MPG trial is going to be tough as fuck, if that can be done then Anguish should be possible I think, up to OMM, although Jevlan event gonna be shitty too, heh. At least this time got 12 weeks to gear up and attempt the challenges/progress which should help a bit.
Yeah, the AA situation is a problem. At next unlock we're getting SoL and possibly PoP autogranted, but we won't have the levels to actually get any of the PoP AAs. There are only a few AAs available in the 50's from PoP/GoD/OoW/DoDH, so in reality we're gonna have very little to get. The SoL autogrant by itself is gonna just give us most of the AAs we could be working on, so much so that if I were the devs I'd disable autogrant on Vaniki.
Regardless, we'll have a zillion AAs to get in 60-65 and 65-70 but not much for now. It's going to be tough, especially for tanks without defensive AAs.
As for Anguish, I think the MPG trials are doable. Ture and Hanvar should be raided on lockout as early as possible. Even if Jelvan can't be downed (which also excludes AMV I think), you can still get 2.0 orbs from Ture/Hanvar until defensive gear catches up.
We're also gonna have to do Loyalist faction which is like 2000 kills in OOW. Usually it's pretty quick, a few hours in Dranik Scar. However being down 10 levels is gonna make it a process. I might do my 55-60 group in OOW for this reason. Wall of Slaughter is gonna be great for gear on this server, some VT-level drops there IIRC.