I miss that part of the raiding scene: studying l337 beta infos on raid mobs, preparing walk throughs and "presentations" to your raid on the mechanics, what everything should do, things to watch out for etc, then having half the raid fail the same mechanics a bunch of times while the other half passes the mechanics but fails to heal/tank/dps. There really are diminishing returns to explaining raids and you really do need repetition for most raiders.I'll never understand raid leaders that take a long time to set up / excessively go over strays. The best way to learn is by doing, and most people at least partially tune out during boring explanations. It's better to give a quick rundown of the event fundamentals so people aren't going in blind, and do this during the buffing/medding phase, and then GO. Even if you wipe, it gives everyone a look at how the fight works. Regrouping and adjusting deficiencies for the second round takes less time than doing a thorough explanation and possibly losing the first round anyway. And if everyone isn't bored out of their minds, they're engaged, and being engaged is the best way to actually win on the first go.
So TLDR nothing kills raid success rates like extended explanations and wait times. There are exceptions of course. Some of the later fights in the game are worth an extended explanation and probably also some rudimentary diagrams.
If any of you see the Imposter Rajaah on Yelinak be sure to flip 'em off
Getting that one weird pet in a zone with unique attributes (or just anything that backstabs) and then trying to hang onto them while they try to murder you is a really fun and unique experience in online gaming. It's totally imbalanced, gets tedious to use after a while and can make traditional tank/dps classes irrelevant but it sure is interesting.That 500 isn't a proc or backstab. I ran back and scoured the zone but couldn't find it.
An hour or so later I saw it again and charmed it, but it almost instantly broke. If one could keep this thing charmed it would be a super amazing pet.
"VaNiKi BeSt TlP EveR"
It has 400 players across 7 expansions. You might as well be playing on EZ Server emu.
Velium Hunter in velks is bae.Getting that one weird pet in a zone with unique attributes (or just anything that backstabs) and then trying to hang onto them while they try to murder you is a really fun and unique experience in online gaming. It's totally imbalanced, gets tedious to use after a while and can make traditional tank/dps classes irrelevant but it sure is interesting.
I had so much fun in Unrest with my man
Are you sure it wasn't a backstab?What do you think the 500 hit is? Maybe a humanish banestrike? There was nothing in the spell log.
I am surprised no one from Resurgence is reading these forums and defending their honor.
Oh, they are watching. I was just caught and kicked.
Middle-aged white males are the most petty and drama-seeking subgroup next to adolescent girls. TLP shitfests are basically band-camp.Isn't this game a little old now for that kind of petty "Mommy, Billy said mean things about me to Susie" bullshit?
What do you think the 500 hit is? Maybe a humanish banestrike? There was nothing in the spell log.
Isn't this game a little old now for that kind of petty "Mommy, Billy said mean things about me to Susie" bullshit?
LOL, just kidding. It's EQ ....
(P.S. hope you land somewhere better)
vaniki has velious era CT? but no motm on it? kids in Le Rampage were saying they killed it with 14 people, 10 were mages or something lol
At launch Vaniki had the Velious era CT with MoTM. Fear was mostly reverted to Classic with no MotM on anything and regular Cazic.
So the "challenge" of killing CT referred to classic no motm CT?
If you can get to 20 you can ride the train with me on my warrior, there's like zero tanks on the server.Someone help me get some levels please. 14 wizard named Pharone on Yelinak.