EQ TLP - Vaniki (Level-Locked Progression)


Trakanon Raider
Lets be honest with ourselves. The games code is ancient and the individuals coding the newer stuff, even if highly educated, are at the mercy of the old shit. If people can cheat without being detected, then why anyone would think True Box code would be more advanced is beyond me. But then again, the discussions seems to be everyone here against two individuals, as if that wasnt a sign to begin with.
Well the argument got a little shifted though. Everyone's autism keyed in on me saying that truebox prevents people from playing more than 1 account on 1 PC and they started screeching. I actually still largely stand by that statement though I do understand that VMs, parsec, steam remote, etc. blur that line. I actually made the original thread on all that shit back when Agnarr came out.

I wasn't trying to start some technical debate (I even stated in the same post that you can control other PCs from one), no matter how much anyone wants to tell me what my intention was. I ultimately still stand firm that relaxed box servers will fail if they implement it without truebox code.

At this point though, you are right. It's one of those zero sum games where I'm trying to win the special olympics and you all are still retarded, or something like that.
  • 1Moron
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Potato Supreme
Well the argument got a little shifted though. Everyone's autism keyed in on me saying that truebox prevents people from playing more than 1 account on 1 PC and they started screeching. I actually still largely stand by that statement though I do understand that VMs, parsec, steam remote, etc. blur that line. I actually made the original thread on all that shit back when Agnarr came out.

I wasn't trying to start some technical debate (I even stated in the same post that you can control other PCs from one), no matter how much anyone wants to tell me what my intention was. I ultimately still stand firm that relaxed box servers will fail if they implement it without truebox code.

At this point though, you are right. It's one of those zero sum games where I'm trying to win the special olympics and you all are still retarded, or something like that.
The real point of this debate is that even your initial point of "relaxed box needs truebox code to not fail" is false because truebox doesn't prevent boxing in the first place.


Trakanon Raider
The real point of this debate is that even your initial point of "relaxed box needs truebox code to not fail" is false because truebox doesn't prevent boxing in the first place.
It's not supposed to "prevent" boxing. It's supposed to (and does) limit it. Yeah people cheat, but I've played on pretty much every TLP in varying capacities and the LJ and previous experiences were night and day compared to post truebox code. I don't believe for a second that a server without truebox code would not provide the LJ and prior tlp experience.


Potato Supreme
It's not supposed to "prevent" boxing. It's supposed to (and does) limit it. Yeah people cheat, but I've played on pretty much every TLP in varying capacities and the LJ and previous experiences were night and day compared to post truebox code. I don't believe for a second that a server without truebox code would not provide the LJ and prior tlp experience.
You do understand that ANY limit on the number of accounts coming from a single IP relies on truebox whether that number is 1 or 100, right???

So again, your assertion that "relaxed box needs truebox" is nonsensical because any limit requires truebox code. You just change the number of allowed simultaneous accounts. EQEmu servers have implemented this type of code since their inception.


Trakanon Raider
Lets be honest with ourselves. The games code is ancient and the individuals coding the newer stuff, even if highly educated, are at the mercy of the old shit. If people can cheat without being detected, then why anyone would think True Box code would be more advanced is beyond me. But then again, the discussions seems to be everyone here against two individuals, as if that wasnt a sign to begin with.
While I get what you are saying, they used the client computer's date/time for their 5 minute wait between picking. You don't have to be a genius to know you can double click the time in windows, and change it. That was the moment I realized what we were dealing with over there. I mean as a career programmer, I am a little more unforgiving when it comes to what people should know and not know, but that's pretty fucking dumb right there.
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Ssraeszha Raider
Well the argument got a little shifted though. Everyone's autism keyed in on me saying that truebox prevents people from playing more than 1 account on 1 PC and they started screeching. I actually still largely stand by that statement though I do understand that VMs, parsec, steam remote, etc. blur that line. I actually made the original thread on all that shit back when Agnarr came out.

I wasn't trying to start some technical debate (I even stated in the same post that you can control other PCs from one), no matter how much anyone wants to tell me what my intention was. I ultimately still stand firm that relaxed box servers will fail if they implement it without truebox code.

At this point though, you are right. It's one of those zero sum games where I'm trying to win the special olympics and you all are still retarded, or something like that.

Yeah, we're the autistic ones. I literally just asked how someone cheating a 3 box rule would be any different than cheating a 1 box rule.

You then went on your "nobody has ever beat their truebox code!!" dancing goalpost routine
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Trakanon Raider
You do understand that ANY limit on the number of accounts coming from a single IP relies on truebox whether that number is 1 or 100, right???

So again, your assertion that "relaxed box needs truebox" is nonsensical because any limit requires truebox code. You just change the number of allowed simultaneous accounts. EQEmu servers have implemented this type of code since their inception.
How is it nonsenical lol.... If anything you just agreed with me. If they implement "relaxed box" and don't put a limit inside of code (the code which is referred to as truebox) then people will just box armies. Like why was that so hard to understand when I said it the first time?

Yall understand the difference between a rule and a limitation right? Like there's a rule that you can't go over 55mph but a limitation is a car that is incapable of driving over 55mph. See the difference?

While I get what you are saying, they used the client computer's date/time for their 5 minute wait between picking. You don't have to be a genius to know you can double click the time in windows, and change it. That was the moment I realized what we were dealing with over there. I mean as a career programmer, I am a little more unforgiving when it comes to what people should know and not know, but that's pretty fucking dumb right there.
You could log out and back in when picks first came out to defeat timers too. They also had /q instantly disco your character as well so if you were smart you basically never died.
  • 1Moron
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Trakanon Raider
Lets be honest with ourselves. The games code is ancient and the individuals coding the newer stuff, even if highly educated, are at the mercy of the old shit. If people can cheat without being detected, then why anyone would think True Box code would be more advanced is beyond me. But then again, the discussions seems to be everyone here against two individuals, as if that wasnt a sign to begin with.

If truebox does nothing why were Aradune and Rizlona different? Ya'll just choose to live an alternate reality that because someone can do something most of the time. That everyone that wants to can do that same thing all the time. It's just completely removed from the reality.

Sure truebox hurts the more casual boxer that wants to play by the rules more then people don't give a fuck about the rules, but you guys are just straight up pretending to act like they never get suspended for shit they would get away without truebox.

Feel free to go post your boxing= good arguments on the P99 forums or talk about it in general chat of the next TLP. I'm sure you'll get a very positive response from the majority of the people.
  • 1Moron
  • 1Imbecile
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Potato Supreme
How is it nonsenical lol.... If anything you just agreed with me. If they implement "relaxed box" and don't put a limit inside of code (the code which is referred to as truebox) then people will just box armies. Like why was that so hard to understand when I said it the first time?
Your pearl-clutching is what is nonsensical since anyone with a modicum of knowledge regarding EQ server code (not you) would know that relaxed box servers will have to use truebox code in oder to have any type of limits. And that even that code doesn't really restrict boxing as you claim. Your anecdotes not withstanding, those who wish to box EQ and willing to find the apps required to do so are going to regardless of the truebox nature of the server.


Trakanon Raider
Your pearl-clutching is what is nonsensical since anyone with a modicum of knowledge regarding EQ server code (not you) would know that relaxed box servers will have to use truebox code in oder to have any type of limits. And that even that code doesn't really restrict boxing as you claim. Your anecdotes not withstanding, those who wish to box EQ and willing to find the apps required to do so are going to regardless of the truebox nature of the server.
Watch out DPG we got us a server code expert (not me) over here!

You are also still saying the same thing as me.... This exchange is really quite funny. We are like aggressively agreeing with each other lol.
  • 1Moron
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Potato Supreme
If truebox does nothing why were Aradune and Rizlona different? Ya'll just choose to live an alternate reality that because someone can do something most of the time. That everyone that wants to can do that same thing all the time. It's just completely removed from the reality.
Because humans normally take the path of least resistance. However if a single TLP is released without a counterpart and is truebox only you will see far greater boxing on that server than if a truebox is released alongside a non-truebox.
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Trakanon Raider
There is more to truebox then the code. Truebox is a ruleset and it changes how GMs interact with people. Most notable in AFK checks.

The idea that truebox just hurts the casual boxer is just a fucking lie and we ALL fucking know it.
  • 1Imbecile
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Potato Supreme
There is more to truebox then the code. Truebox is a ruleset and it changes how GMs interact with people. Most notable in AFK checks.

The idea that truebox just hurts the casual boxer is just a fucking lie and we ALL fucking know it.
Holy shit. You honestly believe boxers haven't figured out how to deal with AFK checks??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
You could log out and back in when picks first came out to defeat timers too. They also had /q instantly disco your character as well so if you were smart you basically never died.

Putting aside all the screeching in this thread, just want to add that the anti-truebox code is also a great way to avoid ever actually wiping. Even in full-truebox situations. If you're playing with multiple computers, hammer the same button on all of them at once and everyone connected on from your internet will be disconnected at once (so if you do this on two computers and have a third on the other side of the room just sitting there, it'll also be kicked). This kick is instant and removes all the characters from the game immediately. Almost like a group feign death.

Unless, of course, they fixed it since the last time I did this which was some time in 2020 I believe.


Trakanon Raider
Holy shit. You honestly believe boxers haven't figured out how to deal with AFK checks??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Yes i live in reality where people who bot get sometimes get suspended and/or banned for botting. I can name half a dozen people who got banned on truebox for stuff they would do on Rizlona or Live no problem. I can name like 50 people that have been suspended for the same type of shit/

Does it happen all the time? No
Does DBG even do a good job? No
Is is more then nothing? Yes
Would retards like the Fitzpatrick twins box 3x what they're boxing now if they relaxed truebox? Yes

Truebox sucks, still better then no boxing rules at all.

You should probably go cry more on the officials about it i'm sure that will help.
  • 1Imbecile
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