EQ TLP - Vaniki (Level-Locked Progression)


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, charm feels slightly more breaky than Aradune, but not enough that I couldn't chalk it up to normal RNG superstitions. One annoying thing is that all of the color stuns are broken and everything is "immune to the stun portion of this spell", so at the moment they're not worth having memmed. It's hilarious constantly rolling with deep red charm pets though. With the tutorial gear 1-40 I never felt any more in danger than I do on a normal TLP grind.

Yeah, color stuns don't work on Vaniki. Protip for enchanters, get Entrancing Lights (which is unlocked on here cuz GoD start) and use that the same way you'd use a color stun. Ideal for getting something recharmed after a break.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
It’s nice to just shut the brain off, twink, and enjoy being FnF especially with little ones.

Now when my son is a little older….

Yeah, I'm enjoying just casual-grinding up an SK while doing other things, after the launch rush of going hard as enchanter. SK is always an interesting time.

Never really tried EQ2 but I might run an SK on EQ2's TLE (or a normal server IDK) after this to compare the two.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Can someone explain pet pulling to me? It's one thing that I've never understood or gotten to work myself. I've done the traditional pet-pulling methods and just end up pulling a train as if I'd pulled normally.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think it was nerfed, but, you could basically get mobs with the initial agro and not chain. So like when the shit would come for you it wouldn't bring any homies that didn't initially agro the pet. It's been altered like dozens of times though. At some points it was basically a fartaunt. At this point since the big taunt changes I wanna say it's no different than lobbing a bolt in?


Trakanon Raider
You used a lower level pet and yeah, didn't trigger assist aggro for whatever reason so would come solo. Similar to disease cloud pulling, cast DC on a mob in a group, run out of LoS, FD, wait for aggro to clear and stand up, mob came solo every time. Annoys me they fix creative use of game mechanics like that, even though I understand why they do.
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Uncle Tanya

It's amazing to me that the exact thing we used to make fun of the Taiwanese zerg guilds on The Nameless for is now celebrated and 'the way'. Amazing.
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Toe Sucker
lmao that uh perk where you cant lose your level is really going to pay off on vaniki
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Molten Core Raider
That is hilarious, it looks like most the players in the picture are in their gloomingdeep armor too. How many people did that take and how long did the kill take? The screenshot makes the server look both horrible and fun at the same time.
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Uncle Tanya
Taiwanese zergs weren’t level locked 20 levels below the expansion cap.
I know... I wasn't knocking it. Person who sent that to me was LoL'ing about it just as I was.

The screenshot makes the server look both horrible and fun at the same time.
Ya, I had a feeling this would be the way it was but seeing it in reality is amazing haha.

I personally lean toward horrible because dying over and over was the hell I experienced before on failed PoF raids going into 2am on a college-day tomorrow morning.

Regardless of that, just imagine some warrior sporting his Blade of Carnage with his bronze greaves. 1337. I love the hardcore, I truly do... they encapsulate the ridiculously amazing aspects of EQ.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
You used a lower level pet and yeah, didn't trigger assist aggro for whatever reason so would come solo. Similar to disease cloud pulling, cast DC on a mob in a group, run out of LoS, FD, wait for aggro to clear and stand up, mob came solo every time. Annoys me they fix creative use of game mechanics like that, even though I understand why they do.

So pet pulling is fixed/nerfed/no more?

Sounds like what I was doing wrong was not being out of LOS. Or maybe I didn't try it until after it was fixed. Sucks because earlier I was soloing in Guk with a mid-30's SK and it was tough to handle more than one mob at a time, pet pulling would have made my life 10x easier.

Good times for 5 of the 200 participants. Sounds fun.

Eh, you can have a good time without winning any loot. The whole thing was fucking hilarious in-person. I learned some new stuff about charm aggro mechanics. Also we had 76 people there IIRC, not 200.

Do you know what dropped? im curious how much of a loot pinata it is compared to what mischief is

It's way less of a loot pinata.

Right now the goal is to get a few tanks geared up so we can actually raid things that don't have a readily-available bind spot. Had a couple people bitching in the guild yesterday (or maybe they were both the same guy on different chars, who knows) about how unfair it is to funnel loot to a small group of warriors, and it made me wonder if that guy(s) have any idea how killing a raid mob while underleveled is actually going to work.

That is hilarious, it looks like most the players in the picture are in their gloomingdeep armor too. How many people did that take and how long did the kill take? The screenshot makes the server look both horrible and fun at the same time.

I think it took the 70-80 people present about 40 minutes to kill the AOW, but I'm guessing. The other mobs took progressively less time. Tormax and Vindi more or less melted, Statue was medium, Idol took a while but not as long as AOW. Not a lot of downtime, so like 2-3 hours for all of the above?

I'll say this, BR did it faster at 40 than a lot of family-style guilds do it at 60.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So pet pulling is fixed/nerfed/no more?
Necros can do it in a way.

Use Bind Sight and attack / stop to walk your pet up through KoS shit to the named or whatever you want. Attack the named, let it kill the pet, and then it will run or warp to the necro. You need someone else to tag it as you FD the other mobs.

We pulled Nijacka in Inktu'ta this way sometimes.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Anyone have a link that explains Bard song stacking?
Do you mean haste stacking?

Generally their Haste counts as v2 or spell haste so it does not stack with Shaman / Ench. Only highest will apply.
Eventually they get v3 Overhaste in Luclin. Battlecry of the Vah Shir is lvl 53.
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