So who reset skyshrine every time the sleeper was woken?Greetings and salutations, good sir! Forum member 'Rellapse' claimed that him waking The Sleeper was one of the greatest trolls of all time, and the highlight of his entire life. In fact, he was quite wrong! As you see, The Sleeper script on EQMac has been broken since the very beginning, causing Sleeper's Tomb to reset to a pre-awakened Sleeper state following a zone crash or reset. This bug has been abused by RMTers for much of the history of the Al`Kabor server. I was merely taking a jab at this Rellapse fellow for being wrong, as well as being quite an inept Player-vs-Player contestant on Project 1999: Red using the most trivial of classes to play, the Wizard.
It was kept secret, why would some nobodies like IB and yourself who were relatively new to the server know about it?You're assuming Kegz is telling the truth. If that were true, then why would Hobart have to intervene after IB woke it up? 'because they didn't know the exploit' doesn't really work as an explanation because you would somehow have to know this mythical exploit existed beforehand, and you only get one shot at it to experiment with.
During our raid a few days ago, the zone crashed after 50+ people were attacking the sleeper for seven minutes. Tell me how a single group is going to duplicate that on a DTing mob that hits for 1850s and procs dragon charm on every other hit.
More likely explanation: Hobart intentionally broke the script after IB woke it.
People crashed Skyshrine too to keep it a secret. Not very hard considered they were boxing Warders as it is.Are you forgetting that other zones change when the sleeper is awake?
When rellapse and crew woke the sleeper skyshrine was also changed, Hobart had to reset it.
So if the Sleeper was woken often, why did skyshrine not change to post sleeper skyshrine?
I think i know the answer,
Toop gonna Toop.
The EverQuest Illuminati.Ok, so who are these people and how did they crash both zones?
You realize there were people duping items, so the number of SoDs isn't proof of anything.
Crashing the zone after waking The Sleeper instantly repops the Warders.That mass zone crashing conspiracy that no one ever knew about. All so people could RMT loot from warders they could already farm without all this hassle just by leaving one up...
Precisely. Pit wars were just the tip of the iceberg, and an obvious one. RMT'ers cashed out huge on the big exploits such as the Sleeper script reset.For what it's worth, doing a certain combination of things then zoning out would crash zones like ssra temple. This was on live of course.
AK probably had 10 times the bugs and I would guess folks stumbled on a few here and there.
did it DT and hit for 1850 when they killed it on RZ?a DTing mob that hits for 1850s and procs dragon charm on every other hit.
Mad cause bad and thought he was some kind of EQ legend.LoL 2002user is stupid
If I remember correctly they had like 250-300 people.They killed it by rez-zerging it with like 100+ people. Once you have enough swinging dicks, you can simply rez people faster than the mob can kill people. If you can then outdamage its regen and it doesn't take so long that people lose multiple levels from the tiny exp loss you get with each 96% rez, it's a guaranteed kill provided the zone stays up and nobody interferes. It was interesting that they did it, but I never considered it that amazing because it really wasn't a challenge or some tactical masterpiece, it was just a zerg. Bring enough people and you can kill anything; a hundred level 20 warriors backed by two dozen epic clerics could kill Naggy if they cared to. Same principle applies to the Sleeper and any other mob where there's no limit to participants and a place where a huge group of epic clerics can stand safely and just spam-rez people back into the fight.
He wasn't much on EQMac either, his regen seemed busted or something there. I don't know if he was charming people either. He was just seemed really weak for 50 people to get him to 90% so fast.Sadly the sleeper isn't much these days. We killed him on test with like 40 people.