Got my copper pick and keen-eye band. Working on crafting my claim flag. Any old timers out there have any advice on what to look for in a good claim? Is it just basically pick a spot you like the view from and plant your flag?
more or less.
there is a large area of "no one can claim this" around your claim, or others.
So like, as mentioned a few posts ago, if a claim is 70m/70m/100m, then there is an area of 140m on every side of your claim, that can't be taken by another player. This also gives a good amount of draw distance, to make others sites hard to see in many situations.
The caveat. Desert obviously has few trees to block site. Plains same deal.
Building on the top of a mountain, will likely make your claim visible for a very long distance.
Being close to a portal is super advantageous now. It makes your claim visible, so people will visit and give + rating. You might have the best building in the world, but out in the wilderness where no one sees it..
So mountaintops within sight of the portal is the PRIME realestate.
Biomes may matter to you, but you do have total control over the biome inside your claim. Props and painting.
the importance of a claim vs none.
As a new player, do not bother wasting materials on crafting stations. bum off someone else that has them open to public. All crafting is done with the basic craft stations currently.
"refineries" however DO require a claim. They are private use only. As you move up, these become valuable. material values really get high.
Example, I currently need 95 tungsten ingots for a smelter, smoothing tool, and line tool. add the 30 need for the axe, and I used 125 ingots. which at basic craft station would be 12,500 tungsten ore.
However, I have the t2 smelter, which gives 120%. So I only need 10,500 tungsten ore, for 125 ingots.
Or the "sifter", which lets you turn dirt and rock into ore.
I'm not sure on the ratio for that. haven't made it yet. But i am sitting on like 200k? dirt. might even be 2m.