Whether having no work is a good thing or a bad thing entirely depends on what kind of blocks your job places on the Internet. I'm lucky that my IT department is fucking retarded; they have no website blocking in place and they give everyone admin rights on the work laptops. This means I can do whatever the hell I want, and I try to use my free time constructively by studying foreign languages, researching stuff for various reasons, planning my weekends/trips/whatever, and so on.
If your place has strict controls on what you can view on the Internet, then yeah, it would suck.
This is entirely true. If I didn't have free access to the internet (and at times things like my Steam library, but only simple games like Dredmor and such) I wouldn't be able to survive doing as little as I do.
I work in a construction-related field, but sit at a desk and use a computer. The task I do is incredibly specific, and no one else at the company does it. There are times when I am incredibly busy, but that time is significantly less than 5%. Most of the rest of the time, I do like Elurin does and just finish it and then wait the approximate amount of time I know everyone else thinks it will take. There is not a single other person there with a college degree, and every time I talk to one of them I realize just how far beyond them intellectually I am. They have no idea what I do, or how to do it, and that doesn't even begin to include the "computer tech" work I do for the company for free (well, part of my normal salary anyway), which is so far over their head it isn't even funny. Which is why I am 100% confident that I am not being monitored while I waste all this time. Anyway, so not only am I working with several high school dropouts, but most of the rest of the people I work with just aren't the brightest bulbs overall. Getting someone to learn how to save a blueprint to their computer once they've printed it to the plotter is a monumental undertaking. Printing to a PDF to save something is beyond 50% of the employees.
What it really comes down to is that I am vastly over-qualified for my job, but I'm so lazy that I sort of just got sucked into the industry, and now I don't want to leave because I have it so easy. I'm also getting older and jumping to a new job gets more and more difficult every day...but I'm sure I could if I tried, I just don't want to have to make the change, particularly knowing that I probably won't make a lot more money unless I'm really lucky. All of my friends either take their work home with them or worry about the fact that they are behind all night. I leave at quitting time and promptly forget I was at work. There are weeks where I literally do no more than an hour or two of honest work.
My biggest problem now is trying to convert that free time into something productive vs. reading this board, watching YouTube, etc. I have always wanted to write a book, so I keep telling myself to do that, particularly since that would be one of the easiest things of all my bad habits to hide, but it is almost like I get to work and immediately can't concentrate, even if it is something I'm interested in. I have Work-onset ADHD or some shit I think.