Ever work at a position where you do absolutely nothing?

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
On our company laptops all you have to do is Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Key. You can walk by and have it done in a split second and swiftly move along as if nothing ever happened


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Re: IT guys whose goal is to reduce the amount of work they do. Sometimes I wonder if it's counter to the goal of an IT dept, which is to help the company have functional computer systems and networks. At some places it seems the more work IT does to automate their job the less useful the IT infrastructure is and the more people just go around it.

The big example is when IT-sanctioned PCs don't give user's access to install shit, and because it's too much of a hassle for a user to go through the 'hey IT please install fucking filezilla on this laptop' process people will just hide computers from IT.


I can't imagine why IT wouldn't want their idiot users installing a program that can do unrestricted and unencrypted upload and download.


Lord Nagafen Raider
When it comes to end users and giving them free range to do what they want you're opening things up to a maelstrom of shit. We have our company setup with a central software repository managed by Systems Center users can download/install approved and packaged applications (oddly enough filezilla is one of them) anything not in there you can install by requesting admin rights to YOUR computer i.e. it will not follow you to other users computers. In doing so though you acknowledge that you are giving up your right to extended support. No escalations do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars. If it can't be fixed in 30 minutes or made decent progress in resolving the issue then you're reloaded.

It is much more ideal than the other option with everyone having admin rights which then translates into lovely shit like rootkits/bootkits being able to install. The only users I ever see with these infections are admins because most of the time the dropper putting them on the system aren't paired with some form of privilege escalation so they can't perform the actions to install the rootkit/bootkit under the restricted user so it usually just ends up with a half assed malware install that our AV whacks automatically. Basically keeping things uniform and simplistic makes keeping things functioning much easier. Users may hate it but these are work machines, live with it you don't own it.

an accordion_sl

haha fucking IT people want to wrap all computers in spill proof bubbles.
Had to wipe an engineers PC on monday (this guy works on fucking nuclear power stations) and he had a INCREASE YOUR COMPUTERS SPEED program installed.

Also tomorrow is 8 hours of absolutely nothing and I'm gonna be so bored.


Trakanon Raider
I just moved from an IT job at a food distribution company that had me and one other guy to a bank that has about 15 total IT employees. I basically watched DotA tournaments all day at the old job and handled work as it came up. The workload is basically the same if not less at the new job except it's spread through 8 of us. It's completely blowing my mind and I basically stay on rerolled ALL day because I have nothing to do.


Trakanon Raider
Oh, we're talking about IT stuff now? Awesome. My bro regularly gets AIDS on his computer because he apparently can't help himself from looking at filthy porn while at work. I thought that upgrading our workstations from XP to Win7 last spring would prevent most of that shit, but nope, 3 months later his computer is chock full of malware and search engine hijacks.

"What the fuck are you doing on this thing? This is ridiculous, me having to clean this shit up every 6 months."

"I don't know how it keeps getting on there! It's weird! Maybe it's from an email I opened?"

"Maybe it's from the 50+ porn websites I see in your fucking web history."



Lord Nagafen Raider
Oh, we're talking about IT stuff now? Awesome. My bro regularly gets AIDS on his computer because he apparently can't help himself from looking at filthy porn while at work. I thought that upgrading our workstations from XP to Win7 last spring would prevent most of that shit, but nope, 3 months later his computer is chock full of malware and search engine hijacks.

"What the fuck are you doing on this thing? This is ridiculous, me having to clean this shit up every 6 months."

"I don't know how it keeps getting on there! It's weird! Maybe it's from an email I opened?"

"Maybe it's from the 50+ porn websites I see in your fucking web history."

Proactive, install Sandboxie on his machine and direct him to use it when browsing, at all times. It'll sandbox the browser only and it keeps the bullshit to a minimum, did that with my brother after he kept getting malware from a TV streaming site.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Just get him a chromebook. Pretty tough to get a virus on that thing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
" Beale, [..] was earning a salary and bonuses of $206,000 a year, making him the highest paid official at the EPA. "

isn't that what Snowden made? lol, highest paying official. But hey, it's good to know that lying about working for the CIA carries a prison sentence now.

This is Ron Swanson's perfect government person. This also is a perfect example of how blind some Americans become when you wave stars and stripes in their face.
Related:Wilhelm Voigt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

haha fucking IT people want to wrap all computers in spill proof bubbles.
I take it you're not an IT person at your job.

I've actually seen for myself a traveling sales person of my last company fuck her brand new laptop up within 24 hours by installing half a dozen flash based minigames on it. That's why I don't believe in users being allowed to install shit on their computers, because she had to mail that thing back to us so we could reinstall it and then mail it back to her.

The big example is when IT-sanctioned PCs don't give user's access to install shit, and because it's too much of a hassle for a user to go through the 'hey IT please install fucking filezilla on this laptop' process people will just hide computers from IT.
That doesn't really make sense. If they can't install shit, what's the point of "hiding" the computers? How do you hide a computer, anyways. If you need internet, you need to connect it to the network and there we can see it again. We can see what they installed if they did have the rights, and if we see something we don't like, we're sending the intern over to collect your computer. But it doesn't usually get that far, because their wanton installing usually leads to them breaking their computers on their own and calling us for help. Then we send the intern over.

Another thing is licenses. Just because something is free for private use on your home computer it doesn't mean it's free for professional use. So if you're just wildly installing all the awesome, free tools you have on your private computer, you could get the company into legal trouble if you did that with your work computer.

You said it yourself, the job of the IT dept is to provide functional computers and infrastructure. That means the programs you need to work are either on the standard rollout image for new computer or can be requested and installed in a timely fashion through standard channels. For example, every computer that gets set up already has a full version of MS Office on it because every user needs that. However, people in accounting don't need "the lab software" on their computers. This isn't exactly a new issue, and most companies have well working systems in place to make sure the people get the tools for their jobs without just ordering everything for everyone (licensing costs being the number one reason corporations cared enough to put those systems in place). What I've noticed so far that pretty much every company I've ever worked with had at least one piece of really shitty browser based snake oil software that only worked with Internet explorer and could break as soon as another browser was installed and screwed with "the settings".

So whenever the latest version of Firefox would break "the settings", we had a lot of computers reinstalled from scratch because asshole user with admin rights had Firefox installed and suddenly his browser based snake oil software didn't work anymore.

Because of this, users don't get to install shit. Also, users don't get to request weird software for their computer because they need it to do their job. If you need it to do your job, tell your department head, not us. Because he's paying for it out of his budget.


A Mod Real Quick
For whatever reason IT gave me a computer with an i5 processor but 32-bit copy of Windows 7 installed. No one knows why, as everyone else has 64-bit Windows. The amount of fucking shit I Have to go through to get shit to work on my computer is so ridiculous. It's probably only a few hours every month or so.. but it's annoying. The company is so big that whenever you request anything from IT it can take several days before anyone even responds.


Got something right about marriage
Since we're talking about IT woes let me tell how much our IT department rustles my jimmies. I am a senior software developer and they want to take away my admin rights to my machine. I understand needing to lock down the access a layman gets because they can compromise the intranet but let's try to practice a little pragmatism here. I literally cannot do my job without admin rights. They also want me to change all my application service accounts once a quarter citing HIPAA. These are service accounts, which have only the rights they need to function. They can't even remote/log into these machines, and not changing them is not a HIPAA violation at all. Just rustles me that they try to lie to me to "secure" shit that is already secure.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Oh, we're talking about IT stuff now? Awesome. My bro regularly gets AIDS on his computer because he apparently can't help himself from looking at filthy porn while at work. I thought that upgrading our workstations from XP to Win7 last spring would prevent most of that shit, but nope, 3 months later his computer is chock full of malware and search engine hijacks.

"What the fuck are you doing on this thing? This is ridiculous, me having to clean this shit up every 6 months."

"I don't know how it keeps getting on there! It's weird! Maybe it's from an email I opened?"

"Maybe it's from the 50+ porn websites I see in your fucking web history."

What sort of fucked up porn sites is he visiting? I am very paranoid when it comes to malware/viruses, so I just do what most people recommend, use Microsoft Security Essentials, SpyBot and a malware finder, as well as have ScriptSafe installed and I haven't seen shit in years apart from the odd tracking cookie or two.


Trakanon Raider
I don't really want to know where he's going, I just glance at the history and give him shit. Why he can't just go to redtube and be careful about what he clicks on, I have no idea.


<Bronze Donator>
Is he running ABP? You can install noscript for extra security, but it's kinda hard for laymen to figure out which domains need to be unblocked to view the bouncing titties.


Geezus you guys make me want to slit wrists now, this shit is depressing for the most part, lol! If I was in a job where I had jack and shit to do and no where else to go...fuck


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For whatever reason IT gave me a computer with an i5 processor but 32-bit copy of Windows 7 installed. No one knows why, as everyone else has 64-bit Windows. The amount of fucking shit I Have to go through to get shit to work on my computer is so ridiculous. It's probably only a few hours every month or so.. but it's annoying. The company is so big that whenever you request anything from IT it can take several days before anyone even responds.
Have you actually tried telling them you have 32 bit Win7? Or are you just blaming the big company and live with it? I work at a 50,000 people company and something like a fresh OS install is something we have done in a day.

And Khane, just tell your boss you're about to be completely unable to do your job because IT is screwing with your access rights. Because if they eventually do, and you didn't tell him, it's your fault as well. Fuck these people, you don't even work with them.

The Master

Bronze Squire
I don't really want to know where he's going, I just glance at the history and give him shit. Why he can't just go to redtube and be careful about what he clicks on, I have no idea.
Firefox+ad-block. No Script is probably beyond him, but it'll remove 99% of the issue.