I really can't believe someone took time out of their day to make an account on a website they never posted on just to post that long winded declaration of love to zaide. I thought we hit an all time low with the cupie autistic spaz out, but I seem to be proven wrong. Someone just stole your special olympics gold medal cupie. Truly hilarious and extremely pathetic all at the same time, bravo.
Edit: In before the "You think we were serious? We were just trolling, playing around, inciting the flames. We are not really that sad, come on".
Plus the dude is a Red Sox fan.I really can't believe someone took time out of their day to make an account on a website they never posted on just to post that long winded declaration of love to zaide. I thought we hit an all time low with the cupie autistic spaz out, but I seem to be proven wrong. Someone just stole your special olympics gold medal cupie. Truly hilarious and extremely pathetic all at the same time, bravo.
Edit: In before the "You think we were serious? We were just trolling, playing around, inciting the flames. We are not really that sad, come on".
Zaide you choosing to play or not makes little difference.
If anything, you were a detriment to us in the Vulak and Lockjaw guilds just by showing up, instead of letting the real talent just run the Faceless show unhindered. If anything Zaide, you refusing to even show up this time will be a boon to that whole crew. Too much ego of yours getting in the way for you to be an asset to that team ever again.
And besides... beating you isn't defined anymore by beating "the great man Zaide himself"... no one, literally no one from the circles I've run in (even most of the Faceless crew) thinks you are anything more than an average player, and a poor leader. But you did build a "brand", and its a brand that likes to brazenly advertise itself as being "the best" when everything you base that assessment on is an absolute joke to the real EQ Talent.
It is beating this bullshit "brand" that motivates people to come out shit talking and race against your crew. But you're not stupid Zaide, you wanted this exposure. This helps feed the great lie and hide the fact that you are anything above mediocre. You even used your bullshit lies and worthless "records" to snake your way into the Pantheon circles. What a joke, I mean all you really accomplished was to be #1 on a EQ server with zero real competition, make a cool website, and market your guild as something a lot more special than it was. You win the propaganda and google search game for sure, but you are dogshit at Everquest, period.
Enough of your crew flying under the flag of this Faceless "brand" will be playing... half of them can't help it and we all know it. Shit even if you force them to name the guild something else other than Faceless... we know whose who. Crushing the brand/the crew is crushing Zaide.
Sit back and make excuses for the fact that you already lost, and say its because you don't want to give us the "satisfaction" or that competing against the "clock" and not other players is what motivates you. When your Faceless crew shows up half-assed and unorganized and they get smashed because your crew fell apart under the pressure of a little ForumQuest action... all its going to prove to everyone what most of us competitive players already know... that your whole brand is a sad hollow fucking joke.![]()
I really can't believe someone took time out of their day to make an account on a website they never posted on just to post that long winded declaration of love to zaide. I thought we hit an all time low with the cupie autistic spaz out, but I seem to be proven wrong. Someone just stole your special olympics gold medal cupie. Truly hilarious and extremely pathetic all at the same time, bravo.
Edit: In before the "You think we were serious? We were just trolling, playing around, inciting the flames. We are not really that sad, come on".
Plus he's a Red Sox fan.I played with roi (just xygon versions), tl/aos, and faceless. The most fun I had was combine roi, followed by faceless test, followed by tl hanging with elaida. I did not have a great time in aos. Meanwhile, I can confidently say aos was the best managed, most talented, etc. Faceless was easily the most pleb-filled with the ONLY exception being velious on combine when we zerged to beat foh.
What nade faceless work was goal setting, team building, and a generally lowered stress / highly positive atmosphere. Aka Zaide. I liked the officers as people but they were simply nowhere near the level of the aos core you see being autists here. The guild would have just been mediocre without his big ol ego keeping it goal-oriented-competitive.
Tldr zaide was great, you were probably ok at best, your post is shit.
I really can't believe someone took time out of their day to make an account on a website they never posted on just to post that long winded declaration of love to zaide. I thought we hit an all time low with the cupie autistic spaz out, but I seem to be proven wrong. Someone just stole your special olympics gold medal cupie. Truly hilarious and extremely pathetic all at the same time, bravo.
Edit: In before the "You think we were serious? We were just trolling, playing around, inciting the flames. We are not really that sad, come on".
Did Mabbu even really play on Lockjaw with Faceless? I vaguely recall him playing but it was for maybe one expansion at best. It's fantastic that he collected so much insight about Zaide in that short time.... well done sir.
Zaide does a good job of rallying the troops for expansion launches and creating momentum. Hell, some of us who are considering an expansion push with Faceless haven't playing with Zaide and crew in 2 years. To be fair though, Zaide also had the autism that was Darth to deal with back then and probably saved the guild as a whole by putting officers in place to insulate Darth. I remember many a conversations around how to keep Darth from completely going full retard (Hint: Never go full retard... just look at Cupie). <3
Does this mean the krosino is coming back?
Have you considered featuring rolldowns?
Will we see RI as a third guild entering the fray?!?!
How would RI have done if they were on the same server as AOS and or faceless?
Where’s dima? The euros? Why isn’t this tlp the Super Bowl yet? (Hey it’s that weekend)
All important questions for the 20th anniversary tlp
Zaide you choosing to play or not makes little difference.
If anything, you were a detriment to us in the Vulak and Lockjaw guilds just by showing up, instead of letting the real talent just run the Faceless show unhindered. If anything Zaide, you refusing to even show up this time will be a boon to that whole crew. Too much ego of yours getting in the way for you to be an asset to that team ever again.
And besides... beating you isn't defined anymore by beating "the great man Zaide himself"... no one, literally no one from the circles I've run in (even most of the Faceless crew) thinks you are anything more than an average player, and a poor leader. But you did build a "brand", and its a brand that likes to brazenly advertise itself as being "the best" when everything you base that assessment on is an absolute joke to the real EQ Talent.
It is beating this bullshit "brand" that motivates people to come out shit talking and race against your crew. But you're not stupid Zaide, you wanted this exposure. This helps feed the great lie and hide the fact that you are anything above mediocre. You even used your bullshit lies and worthless "records" to snake your way into the Pantheon circles. What a joke, I mean all you really accomplished was to be #1 on a EQ server with zero real competition, make a cool website, and market your guild as something a lot more special than it was. You win the propaganda and google search game for sure, but you are dogshit at Everquest, period.
Enough of your crew flying under the flag of this Faceless "brand" will be playing... half of them can't help it and we all know it. Shit even if you force them to name the guild something else other than Faceless... we know whose who. Crushing the brand/the crew is crushing Zaide.
Sit back and make excuses for the fact that you already lost, and say its because you don't want to give us the "satisfaction" or that competing against the "clock" and not other players is what motivates you. When your Faceless crew shows up half-assed and unorganized and they get smashed because your crew fell apart under the pressure of a little ForumQuest action... all its going to prove to everyone is what most of us competitive players already know... that your whole brand is a sad hollow fucking joke.![]()
RI is likely exclusively a coirnav guild. Where we do pretty much the bare minimum to keep the top slot. You’ll never find us saying that we were the best tlp guild that existed, and I’ll be the first to tell you that we are probably not even in the top 10. But we enjoy playing together.
I don’t think any other US guild other than RI has fought as many independent Chinese and euro time zone guilds and won on a TLP server ever. That’s probably our only moderately worthy bragging right at this point.
As far as where we stand as a tlp entity versus those you named, no one in RI has any illusions. The server is casual as fuck and so are we. But on coirnav it’s enough for us.
As half of our officer core is now made up of members of Aos/TL we have found that we work well with that crew and will continue working go with them on the future server.