TLP legends lmao
I hope they do some fun ruleset, but it could just as likely be some boring shit.
Yeah like Quarm again, something only 3 months and maybe against Fulkjoo again rofl
Agnarr released literally 1 week before I lost my job of 9 years. Talk about fucking timing.
I thoroughly enjoyed every moment I was with The Faceless and would gladly followZaide to the top again.
Consider this my unofficial app!
Who were you in faceless?
Taco Bell Big box meals all around/I'd love the casual server to be instanced, no lockouts, no MOTM. Imagine that shit. Your guild could literally raid anything any time. Throw in double boss drops or something and you're looking at a pretty fun game for soft casuals. Throw in tradable no drops and you've got yourself a real interesting experiment. Would that mean MORE people would buy Krono to buy all the ungodly loots? Probably. Imagine the power guilds just farming X mob over and over and selling X item for 50 krono to the people who just want their uber geared toons that run around guildless or boxed the entire time.
Daybreak I know you love money more than anything. Do this.
I'd love the casual server to be instanced, no lockouts, no MOTM. Imagine that shit. Your guild could literally raid anything any time. Throw in double boss drops or something and you're looking at a pretty fun game for soft casuals. Throw in tradable no drops and you've got yourself a real interesting experiment. Would that mean MORE people would buy Krono to buy all the ungodly loots? Probably. Imagine the power guilds just farming X mob over and over and selling X item for 50 krono to the people who just want their uber geared toons that run around guildless or boxed the entire time.
Daybreak I know you love money more than anything. Do this.
I can't believe we are considering this again.
Would love to but no thanks. Lmao.... Did this shit back in 1999 when the game first came out and I was much younger and single. I had my time and fun on Veeshan. Can't do hell levels, corpse runs, grinding mobs nonstop and competing with other guilds for the planes ever again. I'll watch y'all stream it.