just play with us, 4 to 5 hours 3 nights a week will be decent RA no problemI clearly prefer the winning flavor, but given I'll only be playing like 4 or 5 hours 3 nights a week at most I should probably just dial back the ole expectations and find some more casual people to hang with... the only problem with that is it almost always tends to drive me crazy because for whatever reason the "casual" people always seems to suck balls and be inefficient. I don't want to spend my already limited playtime waiting on some dipshit to figure out how to run to Vox, or some random cleric forgetting where his CH button is wasting all our time.
Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamersYeah so whats the FOH guild if I was to get in on this? Do you fucks have a discord set up for this shit?
DBG has announced two new TLPs launching in March to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Everquest. One will be hardcore and another ultra casual. More details to follow.
Producer's Letter: 20 Years of EverQuest
"We are aiming at two new progression servers with two approaches – one hardcore and one ultra-casual. Rules will be coming soon as we sort them out over the coming weeks with both new servers launching around the anniversary on March 16"
Prepare for rollcall, time to repeat classic EQ for the 100th time.
For those interested in playing with me and a lot of the Faceless guys from Vulak/Test/LJ/Agnarr jump in discord. Right now we plan to hit at least one if not both servers.
Discord - Faceless 5.0
yes many faceless people from 4 servers plan to play here. some things to keep, Zaide if is going to lead a guild he is only there for server first and will ghost right after then come back to take credit for something the guild did without him.
Grizvok , was kicked out of his own guild on phinny for being afk all the time. His officers will RMT any item of value to pay rent. He will ignore bids on purpose also, if you think I am wrong about either player, just ask people who have been in their guild.
GL, cya soon Griz
yes many faceless people from 4 servers plan to play here. some things to keep, Zaide if is going to lead a guild he is only there for server first and will ghost right after then come back to take credit for something the guild did without him.
Grizvok , was kicked out of his own guild on phinny for being afk all the time. His officers will RMT any item of value to pay rent. He will ignore bids on purpose also, if you think I am wrong about either player, just ask people who have been in their guild.
GL, cya soon Griz
So will they change the ruleset between here and release ? /boggle
Zaide +
Grizvok =![]()
yea they fucked up these server rulesets pretty bad. its like they made the casual server what the hardcore server wanted to be but to quick expac lock outs. honestly im not sure wtf is ganna go down. selos exp is ganna be so stupid fast that its ganna be a turn and burn more than taking big orders from hardcore players. pllus all the hardcore players already did phini and coirnav they dont want a coirnav 2.0. Just thinking about lvling off classic makes me wanna kill myself. atleast with selos it will be fun for the 5-6 months that it lasts and by that time mangler will be just getting to velious. so could work out nicely. coirnav is defintely ganna be a strong server for a time to come i think.at this point why leave coirnav? pop opens this week and will be faster than hardcore and only an expansion ahead of the casual server, and yeah 1 month unlocks is too fast IMO unless you want to ride the wave to experience the upper expansions but you wont get bis each expansion cause 1 month is too fast. - played on sleeper. so you wouldnt reeally get to experience the newer expansions cause by the time you get your feet wet youll be moving onto the next, i remember how it was on the sleeper. you go out one weekend miss a raid (cause was no AOCs) then the guild could decide to "take a week off before the next expansion" and you miss it. I remember getting my VT key with IV and i went out that weekend came back they said that was the only VT raid they'd do before the next expansion opened, i was like wat? i spent all that time keying as a solo monk for wat? they ought to remove key requirements if its going to be one month unlock.
will be interesting to see where people go. people that go hardcore probably be investing in PL services M Mommy lol, only thing ive noticed is slower xp = more PL services. to me it makes more sense casuals would want longer unlocks so they have time to get BIS or make multiple alts, i dont get how DBG doesnt understand this. the whole complaint about sleeper/combine WAS that they would unlock in a month and people couldnt experience their favorite expacs long enough. the whole reason some of the votes failed on what fippy?.. was cause casuals wanted more time to experience shit..
but yeah wtf no corpse runs?! this is so dumb.
i guess in DBG's eyes, TLPs are the new "flavor of the year" and faster unlocks means its an easier server but the "casual" should expect to be playing multiple of these servers a year instead of just one cause its "easier." where as the whole concept behind a progression server was to relive the content.....
If some of you including me are playing EQ in 2020 we need to check our selves into mental hospitals.
I clearly prefer the winning flavor, but given I'll only be playing like 4 or 5 hours 3 nights a week at most I should probably just dial back the ole expectations and find some more casual people to hang with... the only problem with that is it almost always tends to drive me crazy because for whatever reason the "casual" people always seems to suck balls and be inefficient. I don't want to spend my already limited playtime waiting on some dipshit to figure out how to run to Vox, or some random cleric forgetting where his CH button is wasting all our time.
i'm right there with you, man. i want "hardcore casual" if that's a thing. efficient when i do play, but not sitting down for 36 hour poopsock races...