Like 3-4 years ago when I was playing EQ for the 8th time, me and my brother parked our shit in the hole, the temple area with all of our mercs overnight for AA farming. They would slaughter everything no problem.Tank merc can solo to 65-70 np. It's crazy strong at low levels
If they ever do a freeloot TLP it will be one of the main selling points that they advertise it as. Not some random throw in.whack, wheres the FV loot rules ya fuckers
The grind to 60 is going to be like a day or something. And yes they rebranded it as fast progression and turned Mangler into Phinny 3.0 with better xp.Rather they had started at Velious, but Luclin is the second best option I guess. My logic being I'd rather just worry with the grind to 60 and raid full time instead of worrying with grind to 60 PLUS the AA grind on top of that on launch while obsessively raiding nightly.
They did change the title from "casual" server to "fast progression" server for Selos, yes?
How big a difference will no focus effects be? I wonder which items they will forget about and those will work. White Dragoncale Cloak w/o Imp Damage is meh.
The grind to 60 is going to be like a day or something. And yes they rebranded it as fast progression and turned Mangler into Phinny 3.0 with better xp.
almost double can be anywhere from 1.5 to 1.99999 times rf speed. there's a huge gap between those.I have it clocked to around 17 hours to 60 on Selos
almost double can be anywhere from 1.5 to 1.99999 times rf speed. there's a huge gap between those.
Not only is there a variable amount, there is also the likely 20th bonus which could be 100% or could be something else arbitrary or could be excluding these 2 servers.
This is before shit like zone crowding and hostile neighbors while trying to grind. My premade has a druid so after 26 we can always "fuck this" if it happens. I strongly suspect many of us will end up in some toxic crowd given how many premades there are plus just a Saturday release may see others/casuals/puggers playing late and clowning around places. Some group boating to iceclad and just fucking up garbage for basic level xp may easily pass people trying to do higher zem shit like mseru or kaesora if the latter get harassed.
We discussed and strongly considered both FV rules and Truebox rules. For this round of progression servers, we do not think either of these options would offer the best 20th anniversary experience. We realize that will be very disappointing to the advocates of each, but the feedback is noted for the future.