Could have just gotten 5 100 dollar refurbs and 6 box! As for your question a healer is good. Cleric gives you CH which is really good with charm pets since dumping direct heals into a pet isn't very efficient. Druid gives you snare and ports which are obviously useful, Shaman or Mage gives you Malo, which is really good for charming, but shaman has the issue with direct heals not being particularly good with charm pets and mages don't heal at all.Just ordered a $600 laptop to multi-box. I need fucking help.
What's a good combo for Enchanter? I think most of my play will likely be solo and I'd like to do some charm fuckery. I was thinking Mage/Enchanter, but the more I consider it, a healer of some kind might be necessary.
Could have just gotten 5 100 dollar refurbs and 6 box! As for your question a healer is good. Cleric gives you CH which is really good with charm pets since dumping direct heals into a pet isn't very efficient. Druid gives you snare and ports which are obviously useful, Shaman or Mage gives you Malo, which is really good for charming, but shaman has the issue with direct heals not being particularly good with charm pets and mages don't heal at all.
I mean sure, having the mage means your box is doing 20 percent of your damage instead of 10 or whatever, so i can see the appeal in that way. I think you're underestimating the convenience of ports even with Nexus and PoK eventually even if it's not really a combat related thing.Well, I needed the laptop for gaming while away on business. So, I was able to justify the high price tag on something decent instead of multiple potatoes.
Cleric is what most research seems to be pointing toward, but I always found them insanely fucking boring. However, if I'm just duoing, having a CH bot probably isn't the worst idea, despite the boredom. Druid is a lot more fun, especially with the additional PLing support for other characters, but I think ports are going to be mostly wasted on Selo's, no? PoP makes a lot of their "schtick" obsolete and with EXP rates being so high, constantly porting around for EXP seems like it'd be efficiency wasted.
Mage just seems a lot more viable from a DPS/duo standpoint. Lack of heals kinda sucks, sure, but the additional pet and DPS seems like it brings a lot more to the table in a duo. The clarity helps the mage a lot and the malo helps with the charm. Plus, you have earth pet for runners and the additional support of a "tank" if shit gets dicey with charm. Enchanter/Mage just seems like a combo that are both doing a good job of supporting one another's abilities, whereas a druid/shaman/cleric seems like it's solely existing to support the enchanter.
That Ice T video is pretty funny, I cant believe it's only 200 bucks to book Ice T to read a script. Thought he was big time on one of those crime shows.
Good to see the competition is real now, thought this was gonna be a goal post moving / forumquest race only.
Top of my Google news feed this morning![]()