Everquest - Agnarr Server: Sunset Mode


Molten Core Raider
Ya, after doing it on Ragefire & Phinny I think Chardok is the optimal route. But you have to get ahead of the curve and get down to the kennel camp asap imo. There just aren't enough Golems in seb, so you end up having to pull low level trash when they are all dead, so seb isn't quite as good if you ask me.

I have never done it, but there was a group on Phinny leveling in the Hole up to level 54. I believe they were doing the ghost camp, and they got to 53 quite quickly, but started to fall off fast after that point. Starting there might work out well until 53, then move into Chardok.


Molten Core Raider
Not hyped for kunark.

Do you need keys to do instanced VP?

If you have a box you can work on your key while you level. I ran my wizard around and had the entirety of my VP key done by the time I hit 60, with the only exception being the KC piece, which I then went and camped after hitting 60.
  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
I hate going 50-60 in Kunark. Imo, it's the worst grind in the game. I think Thott even wrote a essay on how little content there was to level up on back in the day. Hopefully though I'll just get in with another static and bang it out over the first weekend.
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El Presidente
If you have a box you can work on your key while you level. I ran my wizard around and had the entirety of my VP key done by the time I hit 60, with the only exception being the KC piece, which I then went and camped after hitting 60.
Also they've greatly reduced the hassle of it by reducing spawn times, by a lot and making rare spawns far less rare, and made ground spawns no destroy and spawn faster also.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They've done this post kunark on phini? It was pretty damn annoying/contested when I was doing it there, remember people (myself included) having to charm gate AJ, 10+ people sitting on ground spawns at any given time, and long lines/and or fights over things like rotting and pained.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not that it's not doable or easier than it would have been back in the day, but back in the day you had 1 guild on each server MAYBE two that needed this versus 20? that will be wanting to do VP on Agnarr.


El Presidente
I don't remember the exact timing, might have been late kunark or sometime later, but it's significantly easier now. I mean you could still easily end up with a shitshow at a Pained Soul or whatever, but it's not the nonsense it was at release on Phinigel.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Early 50s there are plenty of options, with hs probably fastest and I'd say shrooms 2nd. Karnors works, hole works, juggs is consistently always ok, and seb frogs are decent for a while.

HS without a named pet loses a lot of its former top status as mobs there will become lblue and you no longer have the absurd dps to compensate, but it will still probably be fine.

Once you hit late 50s, chardok is really THE place to get nonstop pulls of good level mobs. Charmed pets here are also better than elsewhere. Kennels is probably best as it has a whole building of lower hp dudes. After that the good spots in order are probably up by bridge/koru pulling gy (if you dont have gy and have to pull top floor trash this is no longer 2nd best). After that there is a 4way spot east of herb house that is safe, you want to grab herb house (arguably best xp mobs in there but only a handful of em) and there is good xp on the ne loop (niblek etc) with skeletons. Alternately you can go west of herb and pull shit like iksar hide cape, thats about as good unless kennels is on steroids. Finally, the library near royals with the double named ph is a very solid spot.
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Watcher of Overs

I need a mage pet to attack


Log Wizard
Got lvl 24 on my SK, memorized FD, peaced out on my group in Unrest after getting a rep, running to BB to give a friend some gear, and I get attacked by 6 blues. Try to Feign Death, insufficient mana. Die.

Welcome to lvl 23.

Classic, indeed.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Was excited to finally raid last night. Instanced mistwalker vox then I had to go lol. fun fight!


<Bronze Donator>
It's unlikely you'll ever get competition in the open world. I imagine most guilds on Agnarr just look to Phinny and see how easy it is to be successful without ever killing anything in the open world, so they are satisfied with just sticking to instances. It lets them set scheduled raid days without being on call 24/7. A lot of people like this model.

this type of person is exactly why DBG created this server, too. FE, as much as i love you guys, really are the odd ones out.
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Fun times, took a group to efreeti last night and went through the picks until we found a camp of <My Pants> boxscum and we proceeded to jack their shit.

They kept logging on/off random box combinations to try and KS but their army of shit tier geared mages couldn't do a damn thing.

The entire night I would just put a copper in the trade window of the head boxer and it would fuck up their entire macro or what ever. They never turned trade off and just screamed at me in broken English.

One of them sent me a tell conceding the camp after 2 hours saying hope I felt happy ruining his only night off at work and I called him the subhuman filth at the bottom of Agnarrs Ecosystem and he rage logged.
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<Bronze Donator>
Lol whats your char name? The my pants guys are interesting they try to KS as well with wizards and mem blur to other box groups so good to hear them getting wrecked.

Theres also the cntrl alt del crew that like to train people at efreeti, had nallan guy train me for 6 hours straight few days ago, except I have all necros so I just sat there fd and watched transformers, lulz.

Then I got bored and realized if I left the zone the pick would close, so it did. Troll mode success.
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