Everquest - Agnarr Server: Sunset Mode


Molten Core Raider
Pretty nuts. I remember it taking at least a week or 2 to even finish the tipt/ikkinz? 1 group flagging dungeons when it first came out. And I am pretty sure my 6 man was the first or second on our server.

I am not sure we even killed Tunat before OoW.


Log Wizard
Hey Tiggle, your pal Affliction is a true 50 necro. Real piece of shit! Grats!
  • 1Picard
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Pretty nuts. I remember it taking at least a week or 2 to even finish the tipt/ikkinz? 1 group flagging dungeons when it first came out. And I am pretty sure my 6 man was the first or second on our server.

I am not sure we even killed Tunat before OoW.

Live? No one finished tacvi before oow.
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The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior Vice President
<Gaming Ghost>
finders commission to any bro that finds me squallsurge shawl


Despite the forests of weed I smoked, I remember it all pretty clearly. We had the same probs, a lot quit at the start of GoD (cough @ronne cough) but we eventually got into tacvi and pretty much got stuck there til Omens.


Hey Tiggle, your pal Affliction is a true 50 necro. Real piece of shit! Grats!

Dis you?

We want the Drama.
  • 2Worf
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Golden Squire
Abacab had great fun disrupting my Princess Joleena spawn last night. If I were an ugly, maladjusted loser I'd probably do the same thing.
  • 1Salty
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<Bronze Donator>
I saw TDC try to take base efreeti from that gynn/mynn/whatever boxer two days ago but they gave up before the first ph. They had 2 dru/2 nec it was looking like fierce competition. Was sad times, since that dude had camped base efreeti 2 days straight!


Log Wizard

Dis you?

We want the Drama.

Yeah that's me. He took screenshots, what a good boy. Must be worried!

So I walk into CT to check Ritualist at like, I don't know, 9pm EST or something. It's camped, so that's cool. I check and there's another pick up with 3 people. Fuck yeah, I switch over to that Ritualist, it's camped. So I leave and go to check AoF. Not only is it open, but he's up. So I have my brother (32 shaman) run invis to me and we kill it. Hold camp for probably an hour or so. Feeling good. Pick dies. We're ported into main pick and dude is camping it. I tell him our pick closed so we're heading out. He's cool so my brother buffs him with shaman shit on his ranger and we leave. I go to oggok to manage shit and then come back to check ritualist again and sure enough, another pick opens. I run to AoF again and it's uncamped. Set up here for another 1.5 hours with my brother (who's actually getting exp killing all the shit around it with me, like 1.5% exp per). Then pick closes. I TP back to main pick and ranger dude is there. I tell him our pick closed again and I'm going to chill there to see if another pick opens again. He says don't bother, he's going to do 1 more cycle then I can take his camp. This is 1am EST. How do I know? I took a screenshot of my tell log literally telling my friend I've got rubi camp in main pick! (SEE ABOVE)

Cut to: Probably 2:30am I've gotten last 7ish spawns in main pick. Never seen a camp check. Occasional person shows up, sees me, I hail them, they talk to me and then peace out. After my 2nd rubi BP I had to tell a friend to come and take one off me as I plan to camp it for another hour or two before bed and BP's are lore. So he's switching from Albion to EQ loading up and I see something. It's a fucking invis necro pet. This, to the more knowledgeable player, is a bad sign. 75% chance of some faggot trying to camp steal you next spawn. So I put on see invis and Hail him. Nothing. So I send him a tell "fuck off, thanks" because he's literally sitting on one of the spires. Well, I guess Tiggle's boys get easily offended by the F word and he got very huffy. He decided that he was going to contest the camp. He said I didn't call the camp. He's right. Why? I never saw a camp check. My brother never saw a camp check. We scroll through ooc chat all the way to before the last AoF kill. Nothing. To his credit he DID say that he didn't check it and Deadrose did (a 50 necro that routinely camps Ritualist. Nice enough to let me loot a bunch of decayed so I could get my DF done). But also, to booster my point, chat servers have been fucked since server launch today. There's about a 75% my ooc was just not working. I noticed in SK earlier with my brother he was seeing people call shit out in ooc and I couldn't see anything. So even if some one did CC and I didn't respond, as soon as he ran down he saw me, my brother, 15 lizard corpses, and a 10+ minute dead AoF corpse sitting there. To ME, this is a good indication that it's camped. You know. Dead stuff, people at the camp. Basic stuff.

So he goes all "I'm going to sit afk in the water bubble with my pet on aggressive and then check back every PH cycle to dot it!". Classic fag necro stuff. So I've got my HT and I'm ready, my brother is dick deep in Overwatch and is 34 at this point so he can't land on AoF that well. But our 47 enc friend is en route. Basically PH's pops, he kills it over me. Who cares, it's PH. Happens again. So my Enc friend (who literally started playing EQ for the first time ever about 10 days ago) and I start forming plans. He wants to mezz so pet can't attack, but I tell him dots will break it. He decides to charm it. We charm the PH and drag it away. My brother is healing it up. At this point I'm fine sitting 90 minutes with a charm PH just getting exp for my brother. But charm breaks (or was dispelled) and he kills it. So then we try to nuke shit but my Enc friend is fucking up in water bubble, can't target etc. Then we try charming the next one and running it out of camp and just keeping it. Unfortunately Affliction's dots put it so low, the first mob to encounter it kills it pretty quickly. So then we just go to full DPS option. It's been, probably 1.5 hours of this dick measuring. He says something about he was going to leave after the last PH but my Enc is bad and made him want to school him or something. (He's like 55 in real life? Right? That's why he's class lead? Because he's less likely to nab shit and sell it on redguides. That's the vibe I was getting. But then I checked and he's selling a Bone-Clasped Girdle. So either he's a dirty piggy or you guys trust his old ass enough to deal with 50+kr worth of gear in trade). So then I realize his pet is just aggressive, so I start pulling shit to his pet and pulling it off the spot. Like all good Necro shit lords, he's 99% afk. So his pet is wandering off the point trying to solo healer mobs unsuccessfully. I bring some more healer mobs to help out his healer mob and FD on his pet. I'm trying to time this right before spawn because it's the best I can do to keep him occupied. After that I think he just decided to leave because the 1 minute he's paying attention and not "playing another game while afk" (his words, to which I said 'See you in Albion!') he leaves. We consider it a small victory, but not really. Super annoying. No AoF's spawned for me to HT or mem blur or anything fun in that time. So after he leaves we kill one more cycle and tell the 50 warrior, who's just been sitting there silently the ENTIRE time, like 2+ hours, "camps all yours" and he says "thanks". And we leave.

All in all I camped an AoF camp probably from 9 or 10 EST to 3:30 EST and got 2 Rubi BP's out of it. I was honestly just going to send Affliction one of the BP's because I didn't care that much, but then I checked and he's selling a bone-clasped girdle for like 100Kr. Probably for your guilds coffers, but maybe not. So I didn't. I'll just keep my BP's and be done with it.

Hope I entertained you. I know you won't do anything because A: you can't B: you probably think he's in the right C: he's probably got more power than you and D: you don't like me. I just more or less like telling this story because this is 100% what I expect of every fucking solo 50 necro I see in a dungeon. Ever. They're all just trash people. I think the AFK mage armies in runnyeye get more respect from me than these nerds. I will admit I WAS surprised though he wasn't /anon like all the other garbage people. Who are always really smart because /guildstatus and a simple look at most people can answer all the questions you need to know. When I saw he was your "class lead" I laughed a little bit.
  • 1Solidarity
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<Bronze Donator>
I didnt think pet aggressive was still a thing? Looking at my pet window now, lol.

Honestly I would destroy the rubi bp and use tokens of reclaimation next time if you have no one to hold it for you. Under marketplace --> services you can buy 20 reclaims for $10 worth of station cash (or 2 months of free cash). Then you just go to like a vendor or parcel and recover the destroyed rubi bp for one reclaim token. You can buy some for 500 station cash too.

If u have fear U can just start fearing things his pet attacks or what he dots. Necros do it to me all the time, fear and watch it bring a train unless he snares. Can also dispel his pet haste lulz, hate when people do that to my pets, shouldnt be able to!