In the past they've been fairly accurate. Generally delaying rather than coming up early.I keep checking to see if the server is up early. Should I stop doing that? I guess I got used to FFXIV predicting servers would be up at a specific time and then they'd be up a couple hours early.
Essentially, on Reddit the Coirnav user is really Mabbu, he's secretly the leader of Relentless Insomnia (Coirnav guild that's currently recruiting) and that anyone that joins is a fucking idiot that's only going to get RMT exploited by him, he's gonna roll his entire guild the first time he gets a BoC/SoD, etc.. And at the end "If this post gets deleted you'll know I was right."
haha its a valid point.
I would like to play a Iksar Bst, but the fuckers never release a server with all classes/races unlocked. Together with the abysmall exp rate I pass this time.