He has plenty of time to auction hes on all day, dont give me that "cant move them fast enough" I move them just fine hes just lazy or having a fire sale to pay his rent. I usually kill the FGs but I was at the gym, they're dead now. I sold like 5 pairs yesterday for 2kr, people just dont auction enough, I have other friends saying how do u sell all urs? I'm like auction more. Or they're idiots and think nothing sells cause its the middle of the day and no ones on.
Mabbu's raiding guild isnt really killing naggy when she pops, no one is competing so they kill it when they want. No competition lulz.
But yeah warpower just gets base and sits on it but impatient seller. Saw some hivemind selling for 1kr too.
Asians been afk camping sola and mistmoore I heard, ontop of afk leveling seafury island.
Efreeti is very hot and cold tho. yesterday 6 hours no efreeti. Day before 2 hours 2 rings 2 boots.
Classic sucks bring on kunark!