How does any large group of players lose a DPS race on magus to solb enchanter charm pets? That's sad.
Charmed fire giants only do about 40-50 dps over time. To put that in to perspective, a rogue does about 32 dps at lvl 50 with raid weapons, mage pets do 20-24 dps. One lvl 50 necro poison dot is on average 70 dps, 175 dps with 1 poison dot + chain life taps + pet. A wizard can do about 140 dps to Magus chain nuking.
One necro only casting his poison dot can out DPS an enchanter charmed FG on Magus, or one wizard can out DPS an enchanter who is keeping DoT + chain nuking + charmed FG.
If you are wondering where that data is coming from, a few days ago a friend and I were debating rogue dps vs mage pets since bobbybic had said a rogue can't out dps a mage pet in classic. I pulled up my agnarr parses and did a few combined parses including one for over 8k imp protectors, one for nearly 200 magus/tranix's, one for little over 700 efreeti's, and a parse with a fully raid geared rogue in classic with about 3k lvl 40+ mobs.