true if only i had shop class in high school. lol
Pretty nice from 2/3 mobs tonight, Naggy prayed heavy for us but i think we at least got drums. I've seen better from Vox but was cool to not get junk for once here on Coirnav
My mom taught me to solder when I was like 14.
Thanks Mom.
PS1 had those chips you could solder onto your board and played copied games. I learned real quick once that came out.
And necros that end up complaining about not having dkp for BCG when it gets opened up to other classes!Make sure to give your WDC’s to your nuking druids and enchanters first.
I was ballin out of control soldering in those chips and selling copied games in high school.
Make sure to give your WDC’s to your nuking druids and enchanters first.
PS1 had those chips you could solder onto your board and played copied games. I learned real quick once that came out.
Which computer nerd doesn't know how to solder? I'm sure you could find a utube video on how to do it. it's not quantum mechanics after all. No. I don't know quantum mechanics, but i have watched some interesting videos on it. Or I guess you can just blow more coin on more new computers the next time they release a tlp server.
just got suspended for unattended gameplay. This precedent set is huge and absurd. I was legit afk in the middle of no where with 0 mobs roaming by and my toons were doing nothing.
I put in a petition and get a response saying it was for having a pet out and attacking while afk
This is such a lie. I had been afk 30minutes and no mobs roam where I was afk. I was not attacking anything or moving. The gm straight up lied in their reports and suspended even non mages. How can they say they suspended the accounts for a mage pet, yet they also suspended the wizard who has no pet and was also doing NOTHING.
Is this a common thing for GMs to lie about toons making actions while afk and suspending them?? Seems like quite the wrong road to go down if we are suspending people for being legit afk and their toons not doing anything.
I had a GM pop into hole jail last night while I was murdering a 2 in a row slizik.
2 idols back to back was pretty glorious, all during raid time.
Guess its cause I was tanking vox on one char and holding jail on 2nd?