Mine is WAYYYY too juicy for this thread and I realize how gay I am for just dangling that out there, but I encourage those of you with more balls to post yours this is a fun read.
(Gfay was the trade hub on tz - no idea why morons still use ec, which has no god damn bank)
Lol try playing on live, parcel and full 44 slot bags fills up fast cuh.Because there's a parcel vendor that is neutral to everyone, also centralized location meaning more people can reach there by running from origin. Who actually needs to use a banker with 50 parcel slots, 40 slot bags, and coin not having weight?
My bank is exclusively for dumb quest shit that I'm never gonna actually use, armor ornaments from heritage crates im never gonna use, and old gear that for some reason I don't want to delete but don't feel like selling or giving away.
Lol gfay is as moronic as ec.21 years later, here I am wondering this same exact thing. Each new TLE server still uses EC until the bazaar unlocks. Maybe because it's friendlier for evil chars, or more central? /boggle
Dude it's crazy they you guys were so advanced you were in VT in Velious. I'm jealous.In Velious, I was in Vex Thal running around invis seeing the outdoor area. I went up the steps and jumped off to the right and ended up falling below the castle.
I could run under most of VT and see the mobs etc. I discovered I could summon my bear pet (I was a Druid) and send it to attack one of the mobs and they would run around creating a huge train. As long as I never let the mobs stand above me they would never port down to me. Eventually I would succor/ gate out.
I eventually used this trick to train one of our rival guilds and wipe their raid. They never had a clue as by the time they’d thought to /who, I had gated out.
they eventually fixed the bug as I couldn’t ever get back down there.
Don't worry Sieger, I won't release the photos.Lol try playing on live, parcel and full 44 slot bags fills up fast cuh.
Sadly like Bobby I can’t really divulge my worst stuff, maybe when I fully retire from EQ.
I will say so far most of these toxic confessions are still inside the game world; I know of a half dozen or so incidents that spilled outside to real life.