Molten Core Raider
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I can only imagine the clusterfuck that would have been GoD if anybody had stuck around. By the time enough people had passed those stupid overtuned Ikkinz trials or whatever to start doing raid content, all the good players had already bailed for WoW. I know Hartsman did some good for the EQ dev team and made them less...egotistical. Unfortunately he fell prey to his own success and by the time he went off to Rift he was just as bad as McQuaid had been.
It's a shame really. All they had to do was admit that shit was broken and was going to take time to fix. They just couldn't fathom that players knew more than they did. Then again, given the state of Flameplay back in the day, who could blame them.
Anyways, other things I remember...slightly less dickish stuff.
Had a friend who was high up at a major tech retailer. Verant would give him all kinds of stuff in game. His SK was always kitted out in top tier raid gear day 1 of any given expansion as well as a few GM only items like the Oily Black Vial. Occasionally we'd go romp through old content with him just for giggles. We only abused his account a few times for CRing on raids since he was con neutral to everything.
During raids we would form a 'wizard kill squad' to get all the xp and gold from killing trash mobs. Most raid nights we'd end up net positive exp even if other people were at risk of de-leveling. I think early PoP our guild leader made us stop because too many people were complaining. Sad times. 8(
Another 'early zone scouting' technique was to rename whatever zone file you wanted to match the tutorial zone file and then launch the tutorial. Made it nice for practicing how to get through a few dungeons and see expansions a bit early before they broke the tutorial.
I never really realized just how 'weird' it was being max level in EverQuest back in the day. You were in such a bubble in any uber guild thinking that shit was normal. I remember going to the midnight launch of Velious to pick up my copy and of the ~15 people there that night, my friend, his gf and I were the only level 60's. Next highest level player was a dude who was in the mid 30's. Whenever someone else would ask what level we were we just lied and said mid 30's as well because we didn't want to be outed as uber-nerds who had cleared VP and whatnot.
It's a shame really. All they had to do was admit that shit was broken and was going to take time to fix. They just couldn't fathom that players knew more than they did. Then again, given the state of Flameplay back in the day, who could blame them.
Anyways, other things I remember...slightly less dickish stuff.
Had a friend who was high up at a major tech retailer. Verant would give him all kinds of stuff in game. His SK was always kitted out in top tier raid gear day 1 of any given expansion as well as a few GM only items like the Oily Black Vial. Occasionally we'd go romp through old content with him just for giggles. We only abused his account a few times for CRing on raids since he was con neutral to everything.
During raids we would form a 'wizard kill squad' to get all the xp and gold from killing trash mobs. Most raid nights we'd end up net positive exp even if other people were at risk of de-leveling. I think early PoP our guild leader made us stop because too many people were complaining. Sad times. 8(
Another 'early zone scouting' technique was to rename whatever zone file you wanted to match the tutorial zone file and then launch the tutorial. Made it nice for practicing how to get through a few dungeons and see expansions a bit early before they broke the tutorial.
I never really realized just how 'weird' it was being max level in EverQuest back in the day. You were in such a bubble in any uber guild thinking that shit was normal. I remember going to the midnight launch of Velious to pick up my copy and of the ~15 people there that night, my friend, his gf and I were the only level 60's. Next highest level player was a dude who was in the mid 30's. Whenever someone else would ask what level we were we just lied and said mid 30's as well because we didn't want to be outed as uber-nerds who had cleared VP and whatnot.
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