They've killed off a few servers by introducing FG. This will probably have a negative effect on player retention overall
The old Stormhold server just now:
Well we finally killed darathar this week, and it was only an hour long fight and required stacking two guardians and three healers. The reason why we needed two guardians was because they allowed guardian sphere to work on other guardians/fighters (huge oversight) and because you can exploit moderate and another tanks avoidance buff to have three avoidance rolls (your own, other guards, and other tanks).
Their reasoning for making the mob unkillable for so long was to "give guilds time to progress and pulls mobs" and not to "nerf them into oblivion so they easy". I made a huge writeup on the official forums, because basically the first day of raiding we cleared the entire expansion with the exception of the mobs we didn't pull, and I talked about how easy it was to three group with people in full apprentice/no heritage quest gear or best in slot. So their solution was to give mobs around 100million hp when we have around 20,000 raid wide DPS so instead of mobs actually being hard and changing scripts instead the challenge is not wanting to log out because you've been hitting the same boring mob for hours.
It took literally WEEKS of explaining to the developers why making every fucking mob hit for x2 the amount of HP that tanks have is fucking stupid. It would be one thing if it was like Gen'ra (a later mob) where its designed that it hits slow but hits hard, however every mob hits hard and fast in vanilla when tanks/healers have next to no saves.
They basically added this class later on in the game called channelers and they unfortunately added it on the new server, they essentially permanently intercept all of the damage received by the tank. So in other words if a tank is hit for around 10,000 damage the channeler's pet instantly intercepts 35% of the damage, so before any wards go into play, reactives etc happens the tank is intercepted so it's essentially 35% permanent damage reduction because it's basically impossible for a channeler's pet to die.
If you're looking from a pure HPS standpoint every single mob is unkillable without the class because they tuned every raid encounter around having them. There is a mob with 9 adds that each hit for 4k, during this point the channeler spikes up to like 4k HPS because in addition to their intercept, because every single one of their individual heals are percent based, meaning that other healers that have heals that hit for around 2-3% of a tanks hp (reactives/regens) are useless.
Shamans, the previous king of healers can ward up to like 8k wards (acts as basically bonus hp over 100%) assuming that they are a mystic who casts oberon ( an ability that lasts 16seconds (regening ward) with a 5minute recast). Which sounds great on paper, however one ability is a five minute recast, and the other two abilities have a 8 second recast between recast/cast and the group ward has a 25second recast between cast/reuse. It basically averages out to around 350-400 HPS yet mobs do around 2k dps and can essentially auto-attack on top of aoes. Yet channelers can intercept 35% of every single hit no matter what, so it isn't hard to see how out of balance the class is. The class also makes the mob miss 100% of the time for three attacks and can reduce its weapon damage bonus by insane amounts/cap its stat debuffs making a lot of other debuffs useless.
And it's not like I didn't predict it from the beginning, I was telling a lot of people on the forums about because of the fact that the class costs money it's going to be bonkers, the same goes with beastlords, beastlords are the highest single target damage at the moment and have some of the best utility, all because they cost money and most players on the server weren't playing when the classes came out for free.
In conclusion I would just like to say fuck this game, i'm still playing because they basically fucked me into buying xp pots to level up, some people paid over a thousand dollars just to hit max level in both adventure and crafting. Another fuck you that the developers have done to the players is introduced familiars on the server, they are basically the same as the original little familiars that followed you around but they have stats, and the only way you can get the good ones of course on the server is by pay to win familiar cages which are essentially RNG based cages that give you the shitty treasured ones you can get off of just killing mobs 75% of the time, we have this guy in our guild who dropped around $600 just to get the best in slot one.
tl;dr: Devs still shitty, server still quick cash grab with little to no care put into it. Stormhold rehashed~
Well we finally killed darathar this week, and it was only an hour long fight and required stacking two guardians and three healers. The reason why we needed two guardians was because they allowed guardian sphere to work on other guardians/fighters (huge oversight) and because you can exploit moderate and another tanks avoidance buff to have three avoidance rolls (your own, other guards, and other tanks).
Their reasoning for making the mob unkillable for so long was to "give guilds time to progress and pulls mobs" and not to "nerf them into oblivion so they easy". I made a huge writeup on the official forums, because basically the first day of raiding we cleared the entire expansion with the exception of the mobs we didn't pull, and I talked about how easy it was to three group with people in full apprentice/no heritage quest gear or best in slot. So their solution was to give mobs around 100million hp when we have around 20,000 raid wide DPS so instead of mobs actually being hard and changing scripts instead the challenge is not wanting to log out because you've been hitting the same boring mob for hours.
It took literally WEEKS of explaining to the developers why making every fucking mob hit for x2 the amount of HP that tanks have is fucking stupid. It would be one thing if it was like Gen'ra (a later mob) where its designed that it hits slow but hits hard, however every mob hits hard and fast in vanilla when tanks/healers have next to no saves.
They basically added this class later on in the game called channelers and they unfortunately added it on the new server, they essentially permanently intercept all of the damage received by the tank. So in other words if a tank is hit for around 10,000 damage the channeler's pet instantly intercepts 35% of the damage, so before any wards go into play, reactives etc happens the tank is intercepted so it's essentially 35% permanent damage reduction because it's basically impossible for a channeler's pet to die.
If you're looking from a pure HPS standpoint every single mob is unkillable without the class because they tuned every raid encounter around having them. There is a mob with 9 adds that each hit for 4k, during this point the channeler spikes up to like 4k HPS because in addition to their intercept, because every single one of their individual heals are percent based, meaning that other healers that have heals that hit for around 2-3% of a tanks hp (reactives/regens) are useless.
Shamans, the previous king of healers can ward up to like 8k wards (acts as basically bonus hp over 100%) assuming that they are a mystic who casts oberon ( an ability that lasts 16seconds (regening ward) with a 5minute recast). Which sounds great on paper, however one ability is a five minute recast, and the other two abilities have a 8 second recast between recast/cast and the group ward has a 25second recast between cast/reuse. It basically averages out to around 350-400 HPS yet mobs do around 2k dps and can essentially auto-attack on top of aoes. Yet channelers can intercept 35% of every single hit no matter what, so it isn't hard to see how out of balance the class is. The class also makes the mob miss 100% of the time for three attacks and can reduce its weapon damage bonus by insane amounts/cap its stat debuffs making a lot of other debuffs useless.
And it's not like I didn't predict it from the beginning, I was telling a lot of people on the forums about because of the fact that the class costs money it's going to be bonkers, the same goes with beastlords, beastlords are the highest single target damage at the moment and have some of the best utility, all because they cost money and most players on the server weren't playing when the classes came out for free.
In conclusion I would just like to say fuck this game, i'm still playing because they basically fucked me into buying xp pots to level up, some people paid over a thousand dollars just to hit max level in both adventure and crafting. Another fuck you that the developers have done to the players is introduced familiars on the server, they are basically the same as the original little familiars that followed you around but they have stats, and the only way you can get the good ones of course on the server is by pay to win familiar cages which are essentially RNG based cages that give you the shitty treasured ones you can get off of just killing mobs 75% of the time, we have this guy in our guild who dropped around $600 just to get the best in slot one.
tl;dr: Devs still shitty, server still quick cash grab with little to no care put into it. Stormhold rehashed~
I'm also on the server as Birds if you wanna send me a tell saying whats up, or if you wanna talk shit about how terrible the game is yet you keep logging in for some reason.
Yeah lol, this shit is as bad as I thought it would be. I remember on stormhold when like 90% of people said to never put in xp pots and they did it anywayI was in the group with you the first day chor we were farming that CL graveyard instance and I saw they released the adventure vit pots and I logged out about 5 minutes later. I knew it would be a pay to win joke. LoLoL at anyone who dropped 1k or 600 for a pet on a joke server. Also fuck them for promoting DBG to continue to release this type of shit. I'm glad they lost their money gonna go log in and laugh at em
Yup. They had that vote and everyone put no. And to anyone who thinks casuals wanted them and voted yes more than no you're wrong because then they would have been at launch. Such a shit companyYeah lol, this shit is as bad as I thought it would be. I remember on stormhold when like 90% of people said to never put in xp pots and they did it anyway
On a side note they are releasing a beta on the 11th for the upcoming expansion leaving them a week (lol) to tune mobs/fix itemization which means the launch will of course as expected be shit.
I ran through it all on live/drunder and it all drops loot and its actually not terrible itemization, the loot just has no direction at all.Well this is TLE server attempt #3 I think? So maybe this time only 80% of the shiat will be broken. The next expansion had all its instances broken (no loot lol), and they couldn't figure out how to fix it. I'm betting they'll still not drop loot. Should be fun to watch![]()