When I stopped playing in Chains of Eternity it was that and "x number of deaths allowed" fail conditions.When I left in DoV, that's all the game had devolved to. Reaction speed for cures = win. Is that still the state of the game?
Supposedly that's a bit better with the team not being afraid to put procs on items anymore, however, there's some grind similar to that with adornments now from what I understand. Something like different colored adornments like DoV, except they increase the power of the item you're wearing as opposed to a different item. Dunno how I feel about that, but hey, procs!It was DoV itemization that made me leave. Raid hard mode for 0.2% betterer stats generic cut and paste items! /snooze
I know you say this in jest, but it was always a problem I had with EQ2. The 24 man raid cap. It is pretty fucking limiting excluding so many. You either ran a super tight ship with strict attendance requirements to get the same people raiding every night, or you were a normal guild and had spares of key classes and you had to force people to sit out on their ass all of the time.Sounds like a project. Need 23 other people to form the ultimate EQ2 steamroll guild. Must be adept at watching icons to cast cures.
This has been my biggest gripe about the game for years. Why do they continue to add to this game and ignore core issues? Seriously? Is it so they can show forward progress to management? Does them make them feel better about themselves? Are they in denial? Are they hoping if they pile enough crap on top of the already existing issues it will go unnoticed? This game had some life left in it and had some real promise years ago and they simply looked away. I would give anything to spend about a hour with their dev team and just ask questions and/or rant for awhile. The only time anyone even acted like they cared about this game was when Scott was involved. Ponytail dug its grave and then these guys kicked the corpse in. I thought Holly might possibly change things but no dice.I actually downloaded this and looked at my characters, and did about three quests in Halas on a conj before uninstalling. Probably a new personal record in ratio of time spent downloading/installing vs playing. (I was playing Bloodborne so, at least no cpu cycles were wasted in this experiment)
I think my options were 90 illusionist on freeport or 70 brigand, 70 paladin on, uh, permafrost? And I guess they just straight up give you a lv90 if you really want to be fucking lost so at least I wouldn't be re-leveling through all that shit again. But christ, is this game clunky.
Also, I read that the game STILL stalls out with server lag on raids, throwing auto-attack damage all out of proportion and the wack-a-mole curing becomes impossible. They've had what, 10 years to fix this?