Everquest II


FoH nuclear response team
I couldn't imagine doing PvP in this game, I'd have to be a bard if I did. I know there was some love for an old PvP server here years ago, but I just can't see the fun the way EQ2 combat is setup.

I was watching a guy stream on the PVP server and he was just raping people in the cities trying to craft. I would rage so hard.
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Molten Core Raider
I really liked Desert of Flames, the peacock questline is probably the best in the game. Lots of epic mobs and contested plus a couple of the best designed zones in Living Tombs and Silent City.

That was designed when the quests were actually tied to the lore and really good.
All the epic quest lines after prismatic were so annoying unless you followed the lore. I hated doing tons of simple solo quests for maybe 2 or 3 raid ones.
Doing peacock on an alt and following the story to it was awesome though


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
All the epic quest lines after prismatic were so annoying unless you followed the lore. I hated doing tons of simple solo quests for maybe 2 or 3 raid ones.
Doing peacock on an alt and following the story to it was awesome though

It was. On Stormhold and Fallen Gate, the weapon you got at the end of that epic quest line was BIS for like 2 expansions because of the OP proc.

That said I really don't know how people are doing these huge quest lines, Speak like a dragon, and the other super long epic quests like 4 times now with every new server. /wrist


Canuckistani Terrorist
Being able to skip most of it on live once you did it once was one of my favorite changes, I'm assuming you still have to do it every single time for any alt on TLE.


Triggered Happy
The hardest part of peacock was the faction and the eyes/runes.

Took ages to get an entire raid guild up to speed on the runes as they were lore back when it was live. Some of them only dropped once in 1/1000 monsters or something shit like that. So you'd have like 2-3 guiilds competing for the eyes and killing the entire zones to get runes etc. I don't think anyone got a look in who wasn't raiding for a couple of months at least.

The peacock was made more difficult due to the fact that faction was hard to grind, also lots of the zones required heroic access quests to be done prior. All that stuff was nerfed but it was seriously time consuming - probably spend in excess of 500 hours for completion. Hell we farmed eyes as a raid guild for something like 100 hours to get fountain access and to keep them locked down.

Remember when you could exploit the dragons in Maj dul and get the guards to kill them and still get loot?

That shit was fun.

I did really enjoy my time in DoF, it's a personal favourite and whenever i made something new i'd always go back to PoF and fuck up a few cyclops for old times sake.
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Molten Core Raider
Looking forward to DOF.... already and even more WoW classic, i feel like this is all a warm up to WoW Classic. I am still enjoying this by ALT-ing but raid content as many have said is a laugh-er.. and itemization ugh !


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I couldn't imagine doing PvP in this game, I'd have to be a bard if I did. I know there was some love for an old PvP server here years ago, but I just can't see the fun the way EQ2 combat is setup.

Its class dependent. I like the combat because it doesnt have a punishing rotation in PvP. At least not for the early expacs/classic.

Majority of classes you are smashing 1 stun or major class-defining debuff, maybe an additional stun at some point, the rest of the time you are just smashing big damage attacks and if you press them in any order it REALLY does not fucking matter.

I find it refreshing to not have the constraints of the "WoW meta" forced on me.

I don't know how you guys aren't appreciating EQ2 combat. I think you guys just really don't like pushing buttons but if you set yourself up properly, its not that bad (class dependent).
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
TLDR; EQ2 is faceroll (class dependent, nukers are obviously pretty bland with obvious spell priority). You can take your fist and smash a section of buttons and get nearly the same results as some nerd trying to play a priority-skill game like WoW.

The melee combat has its appeal.

As for priests-- the Fury always felt fun to me level-locked at 30 or so. That was fun times having a FULL population and being able to just lock out at your best bracket and roam around solo. It wasn't until years later that people started to mob up and solo pvp went wayside.


Canuckistani Terrorist
I actually like the combat system for EQ2, sure the skill bloat got a little much in later xpacs, but you can condense most of those into macros. There's usually another spell/skill with a similar recast, you can easily make 6 hostile skills/spells into 3 hotkeys, make use of stop action if you need to cast something else in a hurry. Then there's a bunch of shit you just occasionally use, I generally just put that stuff on the first page of the spell/skill book, don't need the clutter. It's basically a massive spell bar that opens with a hotkey if you think outside the box.

That being said, I just don't find EQ2 appealing to me for PvP beyond messing around, but that's just my opinion, I haven't had any interest in MMO PvP for many years.


Canuckistani Terrorist

So apparently Fallen Gate is officially dead in June. This server didn't even make it past SF right? Kinda funny as that is when I originally lost interest in playing this game with any seriousness, right after they released that Hole raid in SF.


<Bronze Donator>

So apparently Fallen Gate is officially dead in June. This server didn't even make it past SF right? Kinda funny as that is when I originally lost interest in playing this game with any seriousness, right after they released that Hole raid in SF.
To be fair Underfoot was a damn good raid zone. Raiding was good that expansion, just itemization really wasn't.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
To be fair Underfoot was a damn good raid zone. Raiding was good that expansion, just itemization really wasn't.

Theyve done like 5 TLE servers now for EQ2, and have completely botched itemization up each time. On Fallen Gate, they would finally fix the loot like a week before the next expansion unlock. Why even bother? lol
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Canuckistani Terrorist
To be fair Underfoot was a damn good raid zone. Raiding was good that expansion, just itemization really wasn't.
Yeah it was overall frustration for me at that point. I actually had fun with most of the raids in SF, I thought the Theer fight was unique, especially the 2-3(?) levels of "Hard", loot tables, and even lore, depending on how you did the encounter. I realize many of the fights going back expansions had hard modes, but Theer took that idea a bit further, and I liked it. Not claiming everything was awesome mind you, just the overall concept.

I always thought it was a better way of doing raids if you wanted a difficulty scale, and it maintains the immersion imo. I wish it had been something Blizzard had copied, instead of splitting difficulty into completely different instances/raidid.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Theyve done like 5 TLE servers now for EQ2, and have completely botched itemization up each time. On Fallen Gate, they would finally fix the loot like a week before the next expansion unlock. Why even bother? lol
Yeah I don't even understand these EQ2 TLE. Oh they can be fun for a bit, but it's as if there's a soulless marketing AI making all the decisions, it never appears anyone gives a damn at all at DBG. With EQ theres actually the appearance of improving the experience each new TLP that comes out.

I won't lie, I'm still loading it up every couple days, but that's until the sub runs out, as I got bored of EQ TLP record fast this time.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Each time they get me for a couple months, so I assume it's a quick cash grab with the hope they fix items.
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Molten Core Raider
Its 100% a cash grab. These people buying all the xp pots mounts and all the other stuff on the market place that are pretty p2w. Remember the ones with familiars? People here were reporting guildies dropping over 1k trying to get some lol
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Molten Core Raider
Its 100% a cash grab. These people buying all the xp pots mounts and all the other stuff on the market place that are pretty p2w. Remember the ones with familiars? People here were reporting guildies dropping over 1k trying to get some lol

No question cash grab. They really dicked up leveling speed and end game. As per usual, rush to end game and realize, well there is no itemization, Raid mobs droppping level 40 items LOL, complete shitshow.

it was fun for a bit and I wish the leveling speed was slower but with a shitty itemized end game, who cares ?
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Molten Core Raider
No question cash grab. They really dicked up leveling speed and end game. As per usual, rush to end game and realize, well there is no itemization, Raid mobs droppping level 40 items LOL, complete shitshow.

it was fun for a bit and I wish the leveling speed was slower but with a shitty itemized end game, who cares ?
yeah in stormhold launch first few weeks there were no xp pots. Leveling was a great speed I felt. Problem is putting in all the effort of grinding all nighters to then find out end game was easy and poorly itemized
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Trakanon Raider
Our guild world firsted DJinn master and a few others in DOF, that was such a rush, such a hard encounter at the time. Matron, avatars... so much fun. DOF/EOF/ROK were by far my fav expansions, felt like the golden age of the game. I came back a bit for sentienls fate and raided but just couldnt last as the game had gone downhill a lot although Roehn Theer was a super fun raid and I enjoyed the mechanics of it. Really wish the game had been more populous, it was the MMO i played the most of by far.


<Silver Donator>
As I posted in another thread, I've been looking for an MMO to play casually. I considered EQ but it's just so clunky and not being able to start in Halas just kills the nostalgia hit I was looking for. Probably dead in the old newbie zones anyway. I see that the EQ2 numbers are pretty low. What's it like starting out these days?