Thanks! I have no idea what that is but I read about it and it sounds good. I also read that after that you can do some quests in Feerrot.85+ House of Thule is fucking awesome. I recommend anyone coming back to EQ just focusing on leveling then at 85 turn off auto AA enable and progress through the content of HoT, 4 tiers of group content and it's a blast. Finishing up tier 3 atm.
So bored that I decided to fire up my old EQ account and log in.
Holy. Freaking. Shit! UI, maps, hotbars, AAs, spells, inventory, rewards, the list goes on and on of shit that I feel so lost on.
The last expansion that I played was Veil of Alaris so I still feel like it wasn't really that long ago. Turns out it's been like 5-6 years since that expansion, and I apparently remember very little.
I've been out of the game for about a month now and I'm pretty sure I'll be completely lost when I log back in a few weeks before the expansion. Shit is just so complex.
Yeah eok doubled xp gain.Any thoughts on what the new expansion will be, and when?
It's been a couple weeks since I came back and I'm enjoying it. Took me several days to get shit configured correctly but the rust has mostly come off even after a 6 year hiatus. The biggest issue I have now is figuring out the content and where I should be but even that is coming along. Surprisingly, my guild is still very active and with many people that I remember, which has helped a lot as well.
I just hit level 100 this weekend so I still have another 5 levels to go to reach max level again. XP in the new Kunark zones is pretty ridiculous. At 99, I was getting 1% normal XP for every two kills and that's without using lessons. If I went all AA XP, it was 6 AA points per kill. Insane.
I just saw some a guildee yesterday getting an achievement for over 19K AA points. And here I thought my nearly 6K AA was pretty decent.