Don't think we have too many playing Live but have a progression question if anyone out there has played the last few expansions. My crew is EoK geared, I didn't get to play that expansion through when I last played live and I wanted to work my way through it. Bonus XP got me a little over zealous this weekend and I leveled to 110. Tried an EoK mission thinking oh this should be easier, they are now pretty much impossible. I guess now tuned for me to have the latest gear which if I had would be kind of pointless to work my way through expansion.
I really didnt want to buy a bunch of gear I like I actually playing through an expansion. I think I'm pretty much screwed now as far as being able to play EoK. I guess there are two expansions at 110 (ring of scale, the burning lands) . What would be the best armor path to take ? I don't need to be a completionist I don't want to spend weeks on an incremental armor upgrade that can be reasonable skipped. I"m wearing cohorts to T1 EoK should I keep farming for T2 so I can get the T1 for RoS? I heard there is a way to skip this via mission currency but is that going to be doable in my gear. How is TBL for group armor, very little of it on market so I figure it's a PITA or everyone has simply moved onto velious expanions.
did you play through these with your crew?