Everquest - Live Servers


I should take pictures of my mini EQ merch collection one day and post it. I doubt it would blow any minds but it would be a trip down memory lane. Which is all EQ is good for these days anyway.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Combination of both, probably.

EQ had such a specific atmosphere given the time it was a big deal. Almost zero competition with incredible time in game requirements. Every server was effectively a microcosm of internet culture at that time. There were known trolls, power users (uberguilds) and well known figures that were just there doing... things. Like the guy that left low level corpses all over NFP. The world is simply too big for that to ever be a thing again, and proliferation of technology and basic networking hardware means even if you wanted it to be a thing you can't even really emulate it. Such a "time" specific experience. If you weren't there, there is literally no way to explain that experience that will evoke the same emotions. Bygone era.


Silver Squire
Cleric or Chanter say "OOM"
Noob pulls everything
Train to zone!!
Giant to docks!
Specters to docks!
WTB a port to XYZ
WTB buffs PST
Hey man, can you come 5 zones over to 96 rez my friend for 2kpp?
That time you got cocky and got ass fucked by 20 green mobs
For every guild that had the big raids on pharm status, there were people in that guild that died countless times learning how to do it and gearing up. Making it easier one drop at a time. Many will say they were easy, they only got easy after many many failed attempts you either remember that or just weren't around for them.

The amazing thing about EQ was the time sinks they put in place to simply fuck you over. You could easily spend an entire night trying to get your shit back from a botched raid, shit group in a dungeon or even just exploring and finding out that going off on your own was a very very bad idea. Most people that played long enough had it happen to them on more than one occasion.

Nothing will ever be like it again. Everquest existed in the perfect time, allowed us all to explore a persistent 3d world with others for the first time and many of us lost years of our lives in Norath.

We were brutally fucked and enjoyed it. We are all just a little bit gay now. Thank you EQ.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Nostalgia aside I think the World will soon be ready for a VR MMORPG experience. That will be the Second Coming in my opinion.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Whenever the populace gets somewhat saturated with VR kits. Major companies aren't making/developing for them for no reason.


<Bronze Donator>
Did you know there's a giant fucking waterfall in the south end of WK? I never knew it was there until a year or so ago. I remember someone telling me about their secret place back on live and being like "fuck off that doesn't exist".

EK* :)


Golden Squire
The community was above any game before and even after imo. I met one of my best gaming friends in eq because he lagged out and lost his corpse in oot. I played a necro and came our and helped him find a corpse he never would have found on his own. I played on Lanys, we had a guy who never left the EC tunnel who was probably one of the most popular toons on the whole server. You knew people. Knew who to avoid, knew was l33t, knew who was shit. Nothing like it since.
Everquest was a total revolution in gaming at the time. The graphics were amazing at the time, the environments I'd seen better in other games but nothing on the scale of EQ or even close, but the character models and armor was better than any other game and so were the effects. The world was massive and the scope of the game was huge. Just playing with real people was still quite new at the time, but many of us had done it in games like Quake. But to play with that many people and for it to be real time, it blew peoples minds. And the working together really brought people together, it was a really dangerous world in the early days because everyone had shit gear and nobody had mastered how to play it. When I play it now it is a completely different experience. I do 24 boxing, I know every class inside out and what their strengths/weaknesses are, things like managing aggro with casters and tanks, and being careful of heal aggro, adds, etc are all basic things now, but back then nobody knew anything about it. You would see groups made up of a wizard, druid, enchanter, bard. Nobody knew what a group makeup should be, nobody knew the term tank or dps. Everyone just nuked and the Druid would frantically try to heal whoever got the most aggro. People learned how to play the game together, over the course of the first year and beyond. The main thing people found out is that you had to play with people or you were kinda screwed. Nowadays characters in MMO's are all godlike, can all solo easily, and everyone knows exactly how to play the game at least in principle. Tanks tank, healers keep everyone up, and dps blast away. Everyone knows the basics and that's enough to have a really structured game, but early EQ wasn't like that, it was a lot more chaotic. There was only some basic RPG knowledge out there, everything else was learned as you go. Only some classes could solo and even the best solo classes got really slow exp that way and not much loot. The game really brought people together to work together and there was an us vs the mobs spirit. Guilds formed and got their own personalities. People got seriously hooked on the game, and it didn't fade in time either, because months later they were still only level 20 and were still knee deep in Unrest. Then they heard about Cazic Thule and it was a whole other adventure. Then Guk. Then the planes.

As much as I am excited about Pantheon, and I know I'll get some enjoyment out of it, no current or upcoming MMO will ever recreate what EQ did to gamers. It needs something completely out of the blue, something bigger than anyone expected was possible for a game, and with gameplay nobody has seen before. The next EQ will be something like Star Citizen or something after that, something that devours peoples lives because it just so good and so huge. EQ was the beginning and end of that type of game, because WoW came along after it and changed everything. WoW game-ified the MMORPG and ever since then, the industry has only wanted to try to be a part of that by producing their own gamey MMO. But EQ wasn't like a game, it was like a world within your monitor that you got to be a part of and then discovered how incredibly deep and huge it was.

The problem with the games industry is that the modern gamers are conditioned to only appreciate flashy graphics and perfect animations and high production values, and to develop games like that costs huge amounts of money. But nobody is going to put that kind of money down on an idea that is not tried and tested, that is so big it might not succeed etc. So the big budgets only go to clones of other games, another GTA, another Calladoody, another Skyrim, Assassins Creed, etc. and the MMO genre is exactly the same. They spend the big budgets on games like Black Desert, Rift, etc, which are all just descendants of WoW, not EQ. So to get a true EQ like experience today would require a huge budget and somehow for it to be spent on a design that is not tried and tested, and a team that wants to make something new and something massive. The only way I see that happening is with crowd funding. Star Citizen is the only thing I can see that might do something like that, but even that might not quite get there.
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TLP Idealist
Tons of random moments made it great, getting catboxed in VP, training dragons around WW, facing down Quarm/RZ/RC, wipes.









<Bronze Donator>
Buying platinum.

Twinking made the game so fucking enjoyable.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Free AOL trial CDs because paying for Internet by the hour when EQ launched was some expensive ass shit.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Damn I haven't even heard of paying by the hour since back in my compuserve days in the early 80s. I did add a second phone line when I started, phone was really cheap tho. I think my bill averaged $17/month or so for both lines.


A nice asshole.
Nostalgia aside I think the World will soon be ready for a VR MMORPG experience. That will be the Second Coming in my opinion.

EQ VR even with current graphics would literally bring tears to my eyes while I run through qyenos and accidentally attack the dude I am supposed to "what" question and activate autoattack before I remember to rebind it.