its supposed to be cringey, thats the joke. no part of that video was serious. the rick roll music should have clued you in.I liked all his mysteries videos but those two were a big ol' nope
little too cringey for me lol
If the Sseru sword was like other items that were None/None you could probably give it to a summoned pet and have them do a bajillion dps.
kendrick was pretty ok, he used to post on the rogue board and one time one poster went off on him and accused the devs of trying to fuck them. kendrick replied and dropped some science on him, strarting with 'we werent trying to fuck you'. does anyone remember that post?Kendrick and others used to be awesome and very open about the lore. Even in beta there was that ‘fan fiction’ that just happened to accurately know characters and locations that were never mentioned in game until years later.
Then it seemed to go through many many hands that all had their own idea of what the lore really was. I think at one point during the ridiculous story of ethernauts it was in the hands of a SJW board girl.
Long story short I really wish we could get Capozzi, Garcia, and Butler into a room and livestream a lore chat. The original ideas were so fucking good I have no idea what happened other than their success forced quick releases that didn’t allow them to tell the story properly.
The most ridiculous thing I ever heard from one of the three names above was that originally RoK would have flying mounts (hence Chardoks original zone point) and ended with a portal opened in VP (by quest or kill) into the Plane or Sky where you’d find yourself receiving your epic quest from Veeshan upon her crystalline Wing which was bigger than any previous island.
Great thing about that story was being told it while camping Lguk 6 months before RoK was released. Again it’d be awesome to get some of those folks in a room for nostalgia sake.
Edit: Did we ever find out who blew up Luclin? Best theory I heard was that the dresolik was used to keep Luclin (goddess) in line while they shut down teleportation since she ultimately controlled it, not them. Crystal was later detonated when Kerafyrm attacked. But what exactly was he attacking? Anyway. Answer still needed as it was the entire damn premise of the game.
(hence Chardoks original zone point)
its supposed to be cringey, thats the joke. no part of that video was serious. the rick roll music should have clued you in.
that video made me log back into eq again just to lay some fucking smackdown on kithicor
i spent so much time down there looking for that fucking bear for the Totemic helmet i got to know that area all too well. i always thought i found a future zone in for a plane. nope. was nothing.I like his videos. They debate stuff that’s already heavily answered but his presentation is well done and gives nostalgic feels. I like that he’s still discovering this for himself.
Miragul was my first big mystery. I spent all of April 99 in Permafrost trying to find his labs because I thought The Lost Secret of Geomancy was there and I wanted to be the first Geomancer in game.
Second big mystery was in Rathe mountains when I discovered a few dialogue triggers for the Sphinxes there and something they said led me to believe they are the race the gods cursed into Goblins. Those two sphinxes are the last in creation but I could never figure out how they escaped the Curse. Being that the Rathe Mountains was where that Curse was laid down maybe. I dunno. Still one of my many burning questions.
Even the origin story was fascinating and I really wish we had more answers. When the original gods returned to Norrath via the Underfoot they found Rallos already here dominating. The original pact dictated that whoever rediscovered the Foundation aka Norrath would share that info. Brell knew he had to first deal with Rallos and his empire so he made the smaller pacts infuriating many members of the original pact. Innoruuk was at one time a good guy very close to the Goddess of Life, but his elves were destroyed by either a curse or the Ewer. Worse with Anashti banished Tunare swept in and stole the existing elves on Norrath turning Inny from the God of Mud into Hate. He’s quite sympathetic actually as he is the original creator of the elves. As Influence matters so much (thoughtform) in truth Tunare is a poacher and a liar. If you have your original documents from PoP....go take a look at the Cosmology or the Planes and see if you can’t find “Mud” crossed out near Hate. Many hints where there for us to find but nothing that brought it all together.Luckily for the Gods of Influence someone talked Rallos into invading Earth while the much smaller and weaker Shissar ran interference by invading Tanaan aka original PoK.
So much story and so little was told. I’d love to separate the rumor from fact so I could have a more linear story in my head. Also as someone who has heard something on just about everything I don’t have the slightest idea who Kerafyrms mother was even to this day not even a whisper on that subject. And it was only a few years ago we learned that Trak is Venekors Dad so there’s still time.
i spent so much time down there looking for that fucking bear for the Totemic helmet i got to know that area all too well. i always thought i found a future zone in for a plane. nope. was nothing.
this is true, but Sulon McMoor should have had some importance. dude is there right now crying icicles cuz nobody visits him.EQ never made exploring boring. That counts for so much.