Everquest Nerd Rage Logs


Trakanon Raider
This thread is dedicated to posting logs of nerd rage in EQ.

I will start out with this gem from today. The past week of general chat and ooc on Mischief has been not stop spam of the same people arguing about scamming on different player names. I decided to make 1 joking comment about it as I was starting to get fed up with the constant spam.

[Tue Mar 08 12:42:35 2022] You tell General:1, 'every day its the exact same arguments using the exact same phrases in general chat but different player names - really wonder if someone is doing some AI bot testing in general chat lol'

This triggered some hilarious nerd rage that somehow escalated with almost no responses to wanting to fight me at a fanfare - enjoy!

[Tue Mar 08 12:43:24 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'hold on so'
[Tue Mar 08 12:43:32 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'you dont know me from Worthful my dude?'
[Tue Mar 08 12:43:44 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'no friggen bs need to lump me in with that kind of comment'
[Tue Mar 08 12:44:08 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'legitimately soul to soul, man to man, gamer to gamer, I'd genuinely appreciate you correcting that comment my dude and saying you did not mean me'
[Tue Mar 08 12:44:23 2022] You told Tenlu, 'for the past week every day general chat and ooc gets spammed with "x is a scammer" "x is fitzgerald brother" "x is not legit" '
[Tue Mar 08 12:44:26 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'that was pretty friggen ridiculous I agree w you but that was more of a legit defend myself one'
[Tue Mar 08 12:44:31 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'that was extremely epicly f-'d dude'
[Tue Mar 08 12:44:38 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'to lump me in w that comment'
[Tue Mar 08 12:44:41 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'like 2-3 people called me out'
[Tue Mar 08 12:44:45 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'I held ground'
[Tue Mar 08 12:44:48 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'I am face value every second'
[Tue Mar 08 12:44:55 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'appreciate some kinda f-ing correction'
[Tue Mar 08 12:44:59 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'on that stupid shit comment bro'
[Tue Mar 08 12:45:03 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'do it up ill go hit a cig'
[Tue Mar 08 12:45:09 2022] You told Tenlu, 'I did not mention anyone explicitly, if you want to be lumped into that category thats on your own doing "bro"'
[Tue Mar 08 12:45:11 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'general chat correct that shit before God'
[Tue Mar 08 12:45:13 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'or you and me'
[Tue Mar 08 12:45:17 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'and likely not cool'
[Tue Mar 08 12:45:20 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'ive never for a fucking second'
[Tue Mar 08 12:45:22 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'had an issue w you'
[Tue Mar 08 12:45:29 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'that shit deeply urked me'
[Tue Mar 08 12:45:42 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'check the friggen 20min med video and get back to me on Worthful'
[Tue Mar 08 12:45:52 2022] You told Tenlu, 'omg it truely is you wanting to seek attention, the first time someone mentions not even saying your name in chat you spam them with an argument'
[Tue Mar 08 12:45:58 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'ill let that stew out before any decisions but that was pretty friggen shitty man jesus christ'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:06 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'im like the only honorable person in this shit'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:08 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'worth a cent anymore'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:10 2022] You told Tenlu, 'go outside and get some fresh air dude, you have alot of built up tension'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:15 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'rest of yall mostly stay quiet and shit'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:19 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'na aint that rofl'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:21 2022] Tenlu tells you, '0 emo'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:28 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'like I said ill make the decision later'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:32 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'thats stupid shit I dont deserve'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:36 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'as a fuckin gamer alone'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:40 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'but as a soul'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:42 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'you take the fuckin time to read'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:48 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'and realize NOTHING'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:52 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'not a thing I said was offbase'
[Tue Mar 08 12:46:58 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'go read a King James Bible'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:04 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'and drop that clown shit around me always'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:08 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'check Matthew Chapter 10'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:10 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'if nothing else in it man'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:11 2022] You told Tenlu, 'I sent a general message not mentioning anyone by name the arguments going on in chat seem like AI bots because its the exact same shit every day and you have sent me close to 100 messages so far'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:15 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'get with the program'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:18 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'I dig your comment'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:18 2022] You told Tenlu, 'you have MENTAL HEALTH issues'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:20 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'I support it'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:22 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'it was fair'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:26 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'do not EVER'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:29 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'lump me w that shit EVER'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:35 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'or we got big fuckin issues bud'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:35 2022] You told Tenlu, 'GO GET HELP '
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:38 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'goin to hit a cig'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:39 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'alrigt'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:44 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'so you gonna priss emo'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:47 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'instead of honorable man'
[Tue Mar 08 12:47:53 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'to honorable man'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:02 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'you're gonna do me like that when im comin to you'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:04 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'to resolve shit'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:06 2022] You told Tenlu, 'do you realize you just sent me 100 messages in 3 minutes for saying something in general chat that did not even mention you by name?'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:13 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'and tellin u im tryna even wait before makin a decision'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:19 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'because im 14 servers deep jack'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:22 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'and 6th tlp'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:23 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'I know your name'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:25 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'I see you around'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:30 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'guy shit bro'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:32 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'wow'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:37 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'we can enemy it up'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:41 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'and id pay for words irl'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:43 2022] You told Tenlu, 'you know my name because its a very common name from a movie in the 80s starring val kilmer'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:44 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'you dirtbag sack of shit'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:48 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'hopefully dude'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:52 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'hopefully u rrep this fucking name'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:53 2022] You told Tenlu, 'and everyone has made a madmartigan on every server'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:55 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'at fanfaires'
[Tue Mar 08 12:48:57 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'and we can like'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:00 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'mutually agreee'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:01 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'to debate'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:03 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'or throw hnds'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:06 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'cause you in this moment'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:09 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'before God bro'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:12 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'WRONG'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:13 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'off your rocker'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:16 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'bull shit wrong'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:21 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'how dare you question my integrity'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:34 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'go read Matthew Chapter of 10 you low class goon ass punk my dude'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:43 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'you should never be disrespecting me and should be resolving shit'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:47 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'we are both very good gamers in this shit'
[Tue Mar 08 12:49:56 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'if you wanna not respect one another and jazz it up and enemy '
[Tue Mar 08 12:50:01 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'and maybe enemy more than that too'
[Tue Mar 08 12:50:09 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'lets friggen do it up you little priss nerd'
[Tue Mar 08 12:50:12 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'that shit is uncalled for pal'
[Tue Mar 08 12:50:19 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'you got some damn nerve ever questioning me first off'
[Tue Mar 08 12:50:21 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'but that I olive branched to you'
[Tue Mar 08 12:50:23 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'to resolve a situation'
[Tue Mar 08 12:50:33 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'and you steep into dipstick utter immaturity bro'
[Tue Mar 08 12:50:42 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'goin for that smoke but you're wrong in this moment'
[Tue Mar 08 12:50:56 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'stupid talkin me'
[Tue Mar 08 12:50:59 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'cute talk goof talkin me bro'
[Tue Mar 08 12:51:00 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'na'
[Tue Mar 08 12:51:12 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'on some left of center stupid talk bro? smh'
[Tue Mar 08 12:51:17 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'enjoy your friggen week'
[Tue Mar 08 12:51:22 2022] You told Tenlu, 'you need to update the AI to stop sending tells after you send 50+ consecutive sells without a response, weak shit'
[Tue Mar 08 12:51:23 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'stupid stuff in my life I dont need'
[Tue Mar 08 12:51:32 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'dude'
[Tue Mar 08 12:51:34 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'on my SOUL'
[Tue Mar 08 12:51:36 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'WMP'
[Tue Mar 08 12:51:39 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'I'm 1 of the best in the world'
[Tue Mar 08 12:51:54 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'guild and raid lead #1 pve you clown for Pete sake'
[Tue Mar 08 12:52:00 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'raid lead #1 pvp'
[Tue Mar 08 12:52:05 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'not this pitiful stuff raw sandbox'
[Tue Mar 08 12:52:13 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'you're bummin and low IQ/low functioning around a real one'
[Tue Mar 08 12:52:15 2022] You told Tenlu, 'LMFAO'
[Tue Mar 08 12:52:29 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'you genuinely think I havent free hand typed all of this?'
[Tue Mar 08 12:52:30 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'before God'
[Tue Mar 08 12:52:32 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'I have'
[Tue Mar 08 12:52:43 2022] Tenlu tells you, 'gonna go hit a cig an see what you say now thats ridiculous...'
[Tue Mar 08 12:53:16 2022] You told Tenlu, 'if this is not AI, you need to sit down with a psychiatrist and print him out this entire conversation to read and get on some meds, jesus'
[Tue Mar 08 12:53:42 2022] You told Tenlu, 'how do you function in the real world with this attitude?'
[Tue Mar 08 12:54:17 2022] You told Tenlu, 'spoiler, you dont - you sit behind a computer all day every day and spam people with tells saying how amazing you are because you play a 23 year old game religiously - fucking pathetic man'
  • 8Worf
  • 2Solidarity
  • 1Like
Reactions: 12 users


Blackwing Lair Raider
Have you never met this person before? As soon as I saw "soul to soul" I knew to just stop reading.

He's been writing books to people in tells since Velious.
  • 4Worf
Reactions: 3 users


Trakanon Raider
No, I have no clue who this person is and have never talk to them once lol. I only made that 1 comment in general chat after a ton of spam and that started everything.


Blackwing Lair Raider
  • 3Worf
  • 1Weird Boner
Reactions: 3 users


<Gold Donor>
This is on Mischief. At least once a month someone new runs into this guy and it never gets old.

It's kind of a meme on the server at this point. This is why some people say "on god', "mutual combat", "soul to soul", etc. when they're clearly joking.
  • 2Worf
  • 1Double Worf
Reactions: 2 users


Trakanon Raider
Good lord, if that's not a Fitzgerald brother on a meth rant, I'll be surprised!


The Scientific Shitlord
Yup, he did that to me once. A good reminder that MMOs attract a lot of crazy people.
  • 2Like
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 2 users


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
We were lucky that dude who axe-murdered his room mates never had the news figure out he played Berserker
  • 1Like
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Trakanon Raider
I have been seeing this same crap in general chat, and I had been wondering if it wasn't just the same dude on multiple accounts doing it purely to get publicity for their power level service. I figured that the dude had decided it would be better to do something people will notice every day rather than just spamming the same old power leveling service message.

After seeing the tells he was sending you though, I'm at a loss on this one because that's just straight up psycho. Thank God I haven't had to deal with him yet.


Trakanon Raider
Wait that actually does sound like a Fitzgerald brother. Kinda surprised they aren't telling you about how they're MTV stars or challenging you to come fight them IRL. Had a few run ins with them during Kunark. As soon as i realized who it was i would only respond with "not my problem" and "I don't care" like every once every 10 messages they sent me.

[Fri Aug 20 19:20:14 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'i was on mtv '
[Fri Aug 20 19:14:48 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'herb is camped'
[Fri Aug 20 19:15:11 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'LOL'
[Fri Aug 20 19:15:25 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'ur deaded LOSER'
[Fri Aug 20 19:16:09 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'herb is camped'
[Fri Aug 20 19:16:13 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'and ur sitting here training'
[Fri Aug 20 19:16:58 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'no'
[Fri Aug 20 19:17:14 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'i mean ur in my wlhaqtf camp'
[Fri Aug 20 19:17:16 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'thats what i mean'
[Fri Aug 20 19:17:19 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'so stay the clpu out'
[Fri Aug 20 19:17:21 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'comprende?'
[Fri Aug 20 19:17:29 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'good. glad we understand each other'
[Fri Aug 20 19:17:44 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'ur in the `iqbl`v herbalist camp dying training srve almost killing me'
[Fri Aug 20 19:17:47 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'stay the ptdq out of here'
[Fri Aug 20 19:17:52 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'i wont tell u again'
[Fri Aug 20 19:19:09 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'yeah im a nobody but had a rgmyyyx show on MTV'
[Fri Aug 20 19:19:29 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'but you're right im no one'
[Fri Aug 20 19:20:14 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'i was on mtv '
[Fri Aug 20 19:21:33 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'its not me trying to impress u idiot'
[Fri Aug 20 19:21:40 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'but u have a wonderful night'

[Sun Aug 22 16:55:47 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'this is camped'
[Sun Aug 22 16:55:53 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'dont come back in my camp again'
[Sun Aug 22 16:56:05 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'well guess what, its about to be'
[Sun Aug 22 16:56:09 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'cuz now im logging in my other necro'
[Sun Aug 22 16:56:15 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'and im going to take every qmtyvmm mob u touch'
[Sun Aug 22 16:56:28 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'get original'
[Sun Aug 22 16:56:29 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'dumbass'
[Sun Aug 22 17:21:48 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'get the splb out of my camp'
[Sun Aug 22 17:21:57 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'im seriously not gonna tell u again dude'
[Sun Aug 22 17:22:36 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'now youre training?'
[Sun Aug 22 17:23:51 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre dropping mobs and messing up all the pathing dude...'
[Sun Aug 22 17:24:00 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'what is wrong with u? youre a terrible player'
[Sun Aug 22 17:27:02 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'get out of my god rsex camp'
[Sun Aug 22 17:27:12 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre griefing me now causing trains and messing up spawn points'
[Sun Aug 22 17:27:29 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'one more time im reporting you i have FRAPS running documenting you training'
[Sun Aug 22 17:27:44 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre griefing my camp'
[Sun Aug 22 17:27:50 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'im recording you'
[Sun Aug 22 17:27:52 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'yes you did '
[Sun Aug 22 17:27:57 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre messing up the pathing and bringing trains'
[Sun Aug 22 17:28:08 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'dude shutup ur not cool cuz u have an epic'
[Sun Aug 22 17:28:11 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'ur an RMTer'
[Sun Aug 22 17:28:23 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'LOL'
[Sun Aug 22 17:28:24 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'LOL'
[Sun Aug 22 17:28:30 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'nice vocabulary'
[Sun Aug 22 17:28:49 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'lol xD'
[Sun Aug 22 17:28:58 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'yorue retarded kid'
[Sun Aug 22 17:29:30 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'ew who says mommy'
[Sun Aug 22 17:29:33 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre a `untbkd creep dude'
[Sun Aug 22 17:29:40 2021] Idontcare tells you, '45 year old weirdo playing a 20 year old game'
[Sun Aug 22 17:30:29 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'wonderful, im elated.'
[Sun Aug 22 17:30:49 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'no dude'
[Sun Aug 22 17:30:53 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre trying to steal my camp'
[Sun Aug 22 17:31:37 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'go to bridge or velious'
[Sun Aug 22 17:32:25 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'bye'
[Sun Aug 22 17:33:25 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'go find amusement elsewhere'
[Sun Aug 22 17:33:27 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'im not it.'
[Sun Aug 22 17:33:53 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre probabaly the most annoying person i've ever talked to in my life.'
[Sun Aug 22 17:34:10 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'You're unoriginal, stale, bland, and boring.'
[Sun Aug 22 17:42:24 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'When are you going to bed?'
[Sun Aug 22 17:45:12 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'dude stop running through here ive asked you 10 times'
[Sun Aug 22 17:45:42 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre disrupting my spawn'
[Sun Aug 22 17:45:44 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'and moving mobs'
[Sun Aug 22 17:45:47 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'and theyre getting stuck'
[Sun Aug 22 17:45:52 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'its kbtbter up my camp'
[Sun Aug 22 17:46:01 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'stop running through here theres no wwpumpa need for it'
[Sun Aug 22 17:46:04 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'go to a bqtn`vl OPEN Camp'
[Sun Aug 22 17:46:18 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'this ones CAMPED. do u know what that word means? I know its hard for you to comprehend'
[Sun Aug 22 17:46:33 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre griefing me'
[Sun Aug 22 17:46:38 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'thats called toxic behavior'
[Sun Aug 22 17:47:16 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'yes'
[Sun Aug 22 17:47:34 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'whats the point in walking through here'
[Sun Aug 22 17:47:41 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'im logging my other necro in'
[Sun Aug 22 17:47:50 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'what hate speech?'
[Sun Aug 22 17:47:55 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'you a biden supporter too?'
[Sun Aug 22 17:48:08 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'give me a break snowflake'
[Sun Aug 22 17:48:28 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'lol i am though'
[Sun Aug 22 17:48:30 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'dumbass'
[Sun Aug 22 17:48:49 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u can make a joke of it all u want ive done things in my life that you couldnt even fathom'
[Sun Aug 22 17:49:16 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'LOL'
[Sun Aug 22 17:49:18 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'yeah ok pal'
[Sun Aug 22 17:49:51 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'dude im xiohdcx losing brain cells talking to you'
[Sun Aug 22 17:55:39 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'now ur being reported for getting me killed'
[Sun Aug 22 17:55:41 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u cyesksu dick'
[Sun Aug 22 17:57:19 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u pulled 4 4mobs onto me purposely'
[Sun Aug 22 17:57:34 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u eulepem FD'd on top of me'
[Sun Aug 22 17:57:37 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'bannable offense'
[Sun Aug 22 17:57:41 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'and i have it recorded'
[Sun Aug 22 17:57:54 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'enjoy the 7 day ban'
[Sun Aug 22 17:58:01 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'yeah then u FD'd on top of me'
[Sun Aug 22 17:58:08 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'dont charm dumbass'
[Sun Aug 22 17:58:16 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u should have ran away to FD'
[Sun Aug 22 17:58:28 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u dont FD on top of ppl thats called training'
[Sun Aug 22 17:58:42 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre not the brightest bulb n the tree are ya/'
[Sun Aug 22 17:58:57 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'rez me'
[Sun Aug 22 17:59:01 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'and i wont report u '
[Sun Aug 22 17:59:28 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'but u got me killed'
[Sun Aug 22 17:59:33 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'and i have the evidence'
[Sun Aug 22 18:03:00 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u cant FD on top of ppl'
[Sun Aug 22 18:03:02 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'warp?'
[Sun Aug 22 18:03:03 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'i run'
[Sun Aug 22 18:03:07 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'i dont cheat.'
[Sun Aug 22 18:03:15 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'ok watch what i do <3'
[Sun Aug 22 18:03:25 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'no i kfuxker dont'
[Sun Aug 22 18:03:27 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'i run down idiot'
[Sun Aug 22 18:03:33 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'idyv r u talking about'
[Sun Aug 22 18:03:47 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'stay'
[Sun Aug 22 18:03:55 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'dude i run and jgkkfdv FD'
[Sun Aug 22 18:03:59 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'when i drop off ledge'
[Sun Aug 22 18:04:02 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre tqxqyox retarded'
[Sun Aug 22 18:04:08 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'and i use harmshielf'
[Sun Aug 22 18:04:12 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'harmshield'
[Sun Aug 22 18:04:38 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'no more communication'
[Sun Aug 22 18:06:11 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u owe me a rez'
[Sun Aug 22 18:06:23 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u intentionally got me killed. so when i see you. its on.'
[Sun Aug 22 18:06:39 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'im gonna tell u for the last nyi`gdw time....'
[Sun Aug 22 18:06:48 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'STAY'
[Sun Aug 22 18:06:51 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'OUT'
[Sun Aug 22 18:06:54 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'OF'
[Sun Aug 22 18:06:56 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'HERB'
[Sun Aug 22 18:07:06 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'yeah u have to FD, away from jvsnbiy me'
[Sun Aug 22 18:07:10 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'not on top of me ynjdote'
[Sun Aug 22 18:07:19 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'and u knew i was right there'
[Sun Aug 22 18:07:26 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u feign deathed right on top of me'
[Sun Aug 22 18:07:38 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'course u can'
[Sun Aug 22 18:07:41 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'put sown on pmnogng'
[Sun Aug 22 18:07:48 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'yeah kinda like what the f`fe u just did to me'
[Sun Aug 22 18:08:02 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'mem harmshield noob'
[Sun Aug 22 18:08:19 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'stop charming noob'
[Sun Aug 22 18:08:22 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'use ur tycjlke spectre'
[Sun Aug 22 18:08:27 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u dont need a jxg`oia charm pet to kill this oxob'
[Sun Aug 22 18:08:30 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'mbceoie idiot'
[Sun Aug 22 18:08:52 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre a terrible necromancer go re roll to a bard'
[Sun Aug 22 18:09:18 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'youre a necromancer asshat'
[Sun Aug 22 18:09:20 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'warlock is a title'
[Sun Aug 22 18:09:52 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'dude theres no way youre this dumb naturally you must be trolling'
[Sun Aug 22 18:10:26 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'im nice to ppl who are nic to me'
[Sun Aug 22 18:10:27 2021] Idontcare tells you, '*nice'
[Sun Aug 22 18:10:32 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'ppl stealing my camp isnt being nice'
[Sun Aug 22 18:10:47 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'should i be nice to a bully?'
[Sun Aug 22 18:12:37 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'i have no problem being nice to ppl who are nice to me'
[Sun Aug 22 18:13:31 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'you gotta practice what you preach man'
[Sun Aug 22 18:14:13 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'i dont mind being friends but getting me killed is inexcusable'
[Sun Aug 22 18:17:12 2021] Idontcare tells you, '? '
[Sun Aug 22 18:21:27 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'do you wanna be friends or not'
[Thu Aug 26 21:28:45 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'go away'
[Thu Aug 26 21:29:14 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'ur not gonna beat me and my brother'
[Thu Aug 26 21:29:16 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u jpdrhta loser'
[Thu Aug 26 21:29:33 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'hahahaha'
[Thu Aug 26 21:29:37 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'hahahahahahahahaha'
[Thu Aug 26 21:29:39 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'obldqce idiot'
[Thu Aug 26 21:30:45 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'ur the most annoying person on this server'
[Thu Aug 26 21:31:01 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'weve been down here for 10 hours go find another camp'
[Thu Aug 26 21:31:27 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'ok well ur not gonna be able to dps race us'
[Thu Aug 26 21:31:30 2021] Idontcare tells you, '2 necros'
[Thu Aug 26 21:31:32 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'vs 1'
[Thu Aug 26 21:31:37 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'doesnt end well for u pal'
[Thu Aug 26 21:32:08 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u can try all u want but u wont out dps us'
[Thu Aug 26 21:32:35 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'idk why ur laughing weirdo'
[Thu Aug 26 21:32:39 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'calm down over there'
[Thu Aug 26 21:33:27 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'ok'
[Thu Aug 26 21:33:30 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'im done talking'
[Thu Aug 26 21:33:33 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u have a wonderful night'
[Thu Aug 26 21:34:13 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'ok'
[Thu Aug 26 21:34:32 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'yup and i make 300 a day'
[Thu Aug 26 21:34:36 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'u have fun pal'
[Thu Aug 26 21:35:04 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'ok buddy whatever u say'
[Thu Aug 26 21:35:06 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'no more talking'
[Thu Aug 26 21:35:16 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'do not message me again or ill consider it harrassment'
[Thu Aug 26 21:35:32 2021] Idontcare tells you, 'welcome to ignore'
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  • 4Worf
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Trakanon Raider
Wait that actually does sound like a Fitzgerald brother. Kinda surprised they aren't telling about how they're MTV stars or challenging you to come fight them IRL. Had a few run ins with them Kunark. As soon as i realized who it was i would only respond with "not my problem" and "I don't care" like every once every 10 messages they sent me.

[Fri Aug 20 19:20:14 2021] Notmyproblem tells you, 'i was on mtv '
That's fucking hilarious!
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Silver Knight of the Realm
lol. A buddy and I grinded in Chardok all the time during Kunark. Idontcare/Notmyproblem was a permanent fixture there. Never interacted with him though. Did not expect someone with those character names to be so verbose and whiny.
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Trakanon Raider
While the fitz bros are real retarded I do not think it's the same guy. He has very specific phrases he uses every time he enters mutual combat.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Everyone likes to talk about how p99 is so much harder and hardcorer and this and that, yet every single scrap of a thing I have ever seen from there indicates that its a gm pampered handholding endgame. That conversation should have ended after 5 lines with a "get fucked"
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