Has anyone actually powerleveled from scratch with access to Velious/Luclin? Trying to figure out where to grind initially and everyone just keeps wanting to do old world, but boy that just can't be right with access to so many expansions.
I have PLed many characters the best way is just to Pl a bard at teh same time, teh bard sings AE dot, while the PLed just sits there.
You do starting Zone with Cleric temperace and Mage DS on the characters.
1-10 starting zone
10-20 unrest, Mistmore castle , cleric pulls and once you have a big pull, mage cast DS on cleric(tank), and bard hits his AE song ONCE< hitting everyone.
20-40sh Lguk, take the exec camp. From there in 3 pulls you pull the whole undead side. Pull number 1: exec cav suppplier, all that, go one floor up to assassin. Pull number 2: Frenzy and the guy south of him, all that is in the way. Pull number 3: ghoul lord, and everything in the way, except the hand, leave it there. Cleric tanks around 10-20 mobs, Mage DS on the cleric kills the mob, Bard AE tags the mob.
40-55sh Velks, first floor, pull 15 spiders, rinse repeat, rinse repeat(this take a bit long because they have lots of HP compared to undead,
If no PoP, then GE middle camp is a good spot.
If you have pop, then at 55 move to Valor, go to the back and pull golems and spiders until you are blue. at 62 go to BoT and murder giants, 65 is PoF.
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