Welcome my friends to the server of Selos.
The trumpets of war can be heard across all of Norrath and the planes.
Two Juggernauts:
Faceless Empire vs Amtrak.
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Both guilds have already dispatched their most dedicated war trolls and spies to each others camps in the hopes of sowing mistrust and fear.
Both guilds have been excused of doxxing, veganism, training, RMT, transphobia, sexism, and racism. There have even been reports that Bronies walk freely around both camps. Disgusting....
So why would these two guilds go to war ? What ultimate status symbol could one obtain to let everyone know they are best around??????
I present to you fine folks...
The 2019 Michael Jordan's of EverQuest Trophy!!!!
View attachment 196971
Who will take it? Stay tuned my friends.