I just want to apologize to you for being awarded ancient aego instead of you last night due higher raid attendance, causing you to rage quit when asked to stop bitching about it being awarded and not randomed.
Reading this and your other posts it is clear that you are a very important person with a very serious real life to deal with, very understandable you would miss raids. Real life comes first.
In addition, you were not able to get your epic handed to you like you were your shards - I specifically remember that on the day I camped my gimblox and burgurgle using a boxed mage, you were going hard running around luclin to loot shards other people (including my cleric main) were camping on your behalf. In addition, that same day you were also both trying to obtain top tier dps replacements for your griegs group and defend bullying in guildchat for xping in griegs while people were farming shards (or boxing merh in lr and sola), no time to work on epic with so much to deal with.
As a result, I recognize that you were forced to miss even more raids than your principal engineering job already sapped due to needing to keep your cleric in sol a to camp gimblox recently. This could have easily been avoided with a satisfactory outcome for all involved if I had simply multiquested you a cleric epic instead of myself similar to what I did for your vt shards. I could likewise have probably covered your job at spectrum as I am quite adept at telling people to tell people that they can go fuck themselves - the standard phone industry response when a customer calls in. This could have allowed you to bridge the 14 point RA% gap and get ancient aego for yourself, for the good of the guild of course.
Tldr: Beef I am SO sorry. I should have done more for you my dude.