Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Good to see things never change and the delusion starts from the top down. You guys raced to storms right out the gates and the first set of giants was 8-1 in favor of Amtrak. You guys were there in full force before PoS picks started popping named and Amtrak left before the first set of PoS minis were even done spawning. You raced us for PoStorms. So just stop with the whole "we keyed in the same number of cycles as you bullshit" It took you an extra cycle and that's just a damn fact. There also wasn't "clash picks" there was us communicating and picking over with small forces to sniping "your picks" and "empty picks" left and right while you basically didn't take a single giant for "our picks" the entire night.
Congrats getting keyed on the next cycle, killing group content with 70 people while uncontested must have been rough.
You showed him, buddy!
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