So, what you are saying is that 90% of the population on Selos got banned lolThere was indeed a ban wave that went out. Rumored to have been for those using mq2
There was indeed a ban wave that went out. Rumored to have been for those using mq2
Ya, lots of accounts got hit because of account sharing. Share your account with the wrong person...bye bye EQ for 7-21 days.The bans seem to have hit especially hard on truebox violations. I assume mq2/hacking is a common overlap, but my guess is vms or automation were the major focus.
Sucks for people who let someone dirty box their character. I know at least a couple people who I am confident play clean but let someone use their character, eg for an expansion launch race. Our best geared cleric for one.
As for elemental minis sitting up, that's actually due to a bonus weekend. If people are running xp pots and farming increased rares there is less incentive to batphone for a low number of targets unless a competitor is gonna snipe them, so they sit until enough are up for a raid call to be productive. I'm sure am and faceless feel similar about letting their folks enjoy a bonus event without awkward interruptions.
All cases of the recent suspension/ban waves can be traced back to players using MQ2 on a Truebox / TLP server.
MQ2 was coded to not allow it to run on Truebox / TLP servers. However some players/coders have found ways around this naturally over time, which is why you see a small community of users still utilizing MQ2-like functions in game, but not really in mass. For some the fix was a software re-write of some of MQ2's auth-method, these users have been unaffected by the recent suspensions/bans...however...for the lazy MQ2 junkies out there the method that is used to trick MQ2 into thinking it is launching on the Fippy Darkpaw server through a small memory edit is the method that got everyone tagged for suspensions here. It was a careless "fix" that up until now has gone unpunished by daybreak, but clearly it was easy to identify.
Now that daybreak has picked up on this, I expect MQ2 usage to drop sharp for a while on TLPs except fo those that actually took the time and care to re-code certain components of it ... until the cheaters figure out how to get their hands on a more permanent, and untraceable method of using it.
I feel bad not only for the people who shared accounts and got hit...but I feel bad for the guys who are not coders who were handed a copy of MQ from their buddy Venun and Grisvok and didn't realize they were using some cheap parlor trick version of MQ2 that was going to get all of their accounts and all of their friends accounts banned.
Miss you boys![]()
Fuck the MQ'ers, Hackers, and 18-boxers. Permanently delete the bums.
I don't think it had anything to do with the account sharing and I think DBG legit doesn't care about that. It was account sharing on a PC that had some shady stuff on it and I would put large amounts of money on that.I'd like if dbg dropped a formal warning to stop sharing accounts OR ELSE and then circled back on this.
I don't think it had anything to do with the account sharing and I think DBG legit doesn't care about that. It was account sharing on a PC that had some shady stuff on it and I would put large amounts of money on that.
Was mabbu actually maelin the bard in aos on phiny?